which Katatonia to buy?


I am The One
Jan 1, 2002
Toronto, Canada
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I used to have LFDGD, but I traded it. Now I am gonna buy it from one guy, as well as one more Katatonia cd. Now which one should it be?

Discouraged Ones
Tonight's Decision
Brave Murder Day.

please help me out.
Here's a stupid question. I have LFDGN and i've had it since it first came out, but someone told me that the albums before this were drastically different. Is this true?? And if it is are they better now? I want to know because i too need to know what album to get next.
Originally posted by JesterOfDeath
Here's a stupid question. I have LFDGN and i've had it since it first came out, but someone told me that the albums before this were drastically different. Is this true?? And if it is are they better now? I want to know because i too need to know what album to get next.

It's a matter of personal opinion of what is considered good or better. I like it all equally more or less old and new. It's better you find out on your own which albums to purchase since only YOU know what you like... to help you along with that check out:
and try those samples, there is something from each album there almost. If you like what you hear great! And so then you will have some direction as to what your next purchase(s) might be should you like it:dopey: :)
It does't matter which one of the last four Katatonia albums (BMD trough LFDGD) you buy. Soon you'll be back in the store to get the rest of them!

But if you have to start with only one, then buy Brave Murder Day. The Best doom album ever!


If you like "Brave Murder Day" you're probably better off buying the two October Tide albums ("Rain without end" & "Grey dawn"). That band consist of the two most prominent Katatonia members (Jonas Renske & Fredrik Norrman) and sounds exactly like Katatonia used to on "Brave Murder Day".... truly excellent material.
Originally posted by Milk is Good
If you like "Brave Murder Day" you're probably better off buying the two October Tide albums ("Rain without end" & "Grey dawn"). That band consist of the two most prominent Katatonia members (Jonas Renske & Fredrik Norrman) and sounds exactly like Katatonia used to on "Brave Murder Day".... truly excellent material.

it sound's like the band Katatonia would eventually become if they continued doing BMD sound.