Which metal band are you?

What metal band are you?

My Results:

Iced Earth

You are Iced Earth! Your music stems from classic heavy metal with slight thrash roots. You love melody in your music, and you definitely love adding the element of fantasy with reality when you write your songs. Rhythm speed, heaviness, and melody are what you're all about!

Funny to see that none of those guys is still a member of Iced Earth. I don't even know if Iced Earth still exists. I'm a big IE fan, but Jon has been a prick lately.
insidethefall said:
I got Iced Earth, but that would have to be with Matt Barlow, ripper owens sucks and ruins the band

Burnt offerings :rock:

Exactly what I was about to say...

John is still a member?

Although, It hink he's always been a prick :D
He's overly protective of his music and doesn't care what the fans say. Which is a good thing in some ways, but hopefully he wont do any more TGB. Or if he does, at least get Barlow back...
i agree with Avi - Moonspell are marvelous!

and for the beginig i can recomend you their "Wolfheart"!!!!!

What metal band are you?

My Results:

Iced Earth

You are Iced Earth! Your music stems from classic heavy metal with slight thrash roots. You love melody in your music, and you definitely love adding the element of fantasy with reality when you write your songs. Rhythm speed, heaviness, and melody are what you're all about!
Oddly, I don't listen to IE much...
You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!

moral ideology v moral reality. 11. While you`re playing for an audience, someone heckles you and throws an object at you. How do you handle it? Tell the audience to beat the crap out of whoever is throwing things
Ignore it
Threaten them
Get security to find the individual
What metal band are you?
Iron Maiden

You're Iron Maiden! You're a legend in the music industry. Your legacy has lasted close to 25 years. You're all about moderation...never too much of anything, but never too little. You've always remained true to metal, and the people love you for it. Up the irons!

hell yea , up the irons!
66666_______heavy metal______6666

I'm Iron maiden and Orphaned land :rock:
Hi brothers and sisters to Metal !!!!!:rock:
<table border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><tr bgcolor=white><td align=center><B><font face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=2><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=270><font color=#505A84>What metal band are you?</font></a></B><p><font color=#505A84 size=4><b>Opeth</b></font><p>You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!<p><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=270><img alt="Personality Test Results" border=0 src="http://www.youthink.com/quiz_images/quiz270outcome3.jpg"></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp?action=take&quiz_id=270><font face=verdana size=2 color=white><b>Click Here to Take This Quiz</B></font></a><br><font size=1 color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by <a href=http://www.youthink.com/quiz.asp><font color=white>YouThink.com</font></a> quizzes and personality tests.</font></td></tr></table>