Which metal band do you remember was the first one you've heard?


New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2013
Jerusalem, Israel.
Well. I thought about this for a while and I was somewhat wondering what made me like metal in the first place. And that made me think about the first metal band Ive heard.

My first metal band Ive heard was probably Disturbed. Not everyone considers them as metal, but I think they are. Anyway, I think they were pretty much the very first metal band Ive heard. After Disturbed I quickly started to listen to others like Metallica and Slayer.

DragonForce is also the first power metal band Ive heard. I first heard the song Once In a Lifetime and I was shocked!!!! Intense, energetic and everything combined......DragonForce remains one of my favourite metal bands.

Well. what about you all? It'd be nice to hear how you got to know metal and what was your first band.
First "metal" band I heard and took notice of was probably Marilyn Manson. A couple of years later I got into the Chili Peppers which appealed to me because of the awesome bass lines. One day, a few months/years later, I was listening to Total Rock radio on Sky TV (as I was incredibly bored of the nu metal shit on Kerrang and MTV 2). I heard the most amazingly melodic, uplifting music and was hooked immediately. The band was Stratovarius and the song, Eagle Heart.

The rest is history.
First "metal" was probably Limp Bizkit as much as it pains me to say :S I'd listened to metal before that and bands like Rainbow and Led Zeppelin were on my radar but the first band I could call myself a proper fan of was them. I soon grew out of that and Iron Maiden became my true love :D
I was never into the nu-metal stuff as the whole point of metal to me back then was the virtuosity. I was listening to Steve Vai in the days when my mates were into Linkin Park. The whole no guitar solos (ever, under any circumstances) thing angered me more than you can even begin to imagine.
I remember the first time I heard Iron Maiden (had to seek out Run To The Hills... didn't listen to radio as a kid) and while I liked the verses I actually thought the chorus was one of the cheesiest things ever. A few years later and I was a full-fledged metal addict. These days I'm not as into metal as I used to be and I'm starting to remember why I thought Run To The Hills was cheesy, but I still love the friggin' song!

Add in some Metallica, and if you're feeling generous, GnR and Def Leppard (hair metal... subgenres... splitting hairs... whatever! lol).
Now that I think about it again guys, from what I remember, Disturbed wasnt really the FIRST metal band Ive heard. If I remember correctly there were 2 other songs Ive heard before I got to know Disturbed, they are In The End by linkin park and Going Under by Evanescence.
First "metal" was probably Limp Bizkit as much as it pains me to say :S I'd listened to metal before that and bands like Rainbow and Led Zeppelin were on my radar but the first band I could call myself a proper fan of was them. I soon grew out of that and Iron Maiden became my true love :D

Same here for the Limp Bizkit thing, I wasn't interested in Music at all until my Brother started listening to that stuff and I ended up hearing it, enjoying it and getting into a lot of Music that was on Kerrang TV at that time. I was about 13 or 14 years old at that time I believe.

It's strange because just about everything I've liked when I was younger, particularly Video Games-wise, has stuck with me to the present day. However, in terms of bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn, Linkin Park etc doesn't interest me at all anymore (and I dare say the idea of listening to Limp Bizkit is borderline embarrassing now) but the majority of my friends still do and many have never taken an interesting in much else Metal-wise, from Iron Maiden to Power Metal to Death Metal etc.

About a year on from that, I pretty much lost interest in Music until around the time of my GCSE exams. After those exams I went to Leeds Festival (2003) with my Brother and his friend. I saw Metallica, thought it was the best thing ever and I pretty much owe that experience to me taking the interest in Music I have today.
I was metal-naive myself for a very long time I must admit, only when I was about 17 years old I got into it much more. When I first heard Disturbed or Linkin park I had no idea that I was listening to metal at all!