which opeth cd?


gr1m shady
Jun 30, 2003
hi. i'm a big in flames fan(since the colony album) and i'm looking for bands that are good like in flames. i see that this board is very popular so i want to check out this band. which albums do your recommend? is this band heavy like in flames? also where would be a good place to download them?
eminem said:
hi. i'm a big in flames fan(since the colony album) and i'm looking for bands that are good like in flames. i see that this board is very popular so i want to check out this band. which albums do your recommend? is this band heavy like in flames? also where would be a good place to download them?

A good place to download them would be a record shop.
really? those samples on amazon and cdnow are like 30 seconds short. i'd like to get the complete songs. like on kazaa. you should check it out. i hope they have opeth
eminem said:
really? those samples on amazon and cdnow are like 30 seconds short. i'd like to get the complete songs. like on kazaa. you should check it out. i hope they have opeth

You're taking the piss I gather? Here to annoy the metal fans are you?
random_phil said:
I said record shop. One that you walk into, and physically pick CDs up, and then pay for them at a cash desk.

Ya, take it from us. If you like Colony by In Flames then you will love Opeth. Just walk in and purchase Blackwater Park, Morningrise, My Arms Your Hearse, or Still Life.
that is too bad. he is very talanted. and i like death metal too so what's problem?
eminem said:
hi. i'm a big in flames fan(since the colony album) and i'm looking for bands that are good like in flames. i see that this board is very popular so i want to check out this band. which albums do your recommend? is this band heavy like in flames? also where would be a good place to download them?

hey! well, first of all, its great that you expressed interest about Opeth, as they are one of the most brilliant metal bands these days. One word of advice though, if you have everything by In Flames after Colony, do yourself a favor, and buy everything by In Flames from before Colony. :D

Thats when you'll know what Good In Flames music is.
How is Eminem talented?

Is it because he can rap or freestyle better than I can?

All he does is express his feelings in the simplest form, verbal speaking, as music plays; however, you say he is talented...

Anyone can do that.
segaszivos said:
How is Eminem talented?

Is it because he can rap or freestyle better than I can?

All he does is express his feelings in the simplest form, verbal speaking, as music plays; however, you say he is talented...

yes, but he does it well. he's original and inovative. just because it's "verbal speaking" doesn't mean that it's shit. consider the following analogy. impressionism is a form of painting that looks like the simplest possible form of painting to a lot of people. but that doesn't take anything away from it. it's still art. it's not all about the technique. just because salvador dali put more details into his paintings than monet doesn't make him a better painter.

segaszivos said:
Anyone can do that.

yes. anyone can do "verbal speaking". but not everyone can be original and craft good songs. it's not what you do, it's how you do it. i can play guitar but i can't write brilliant songs.

and if you think all hiphop is shit(not saying you do) you might want to check out some progressive hiphop bands. get a song called "make you feel that way" by blackalicious and see if you like it.
why doesn't it surprise me that the two eminem fans on this board have the worst grammatical skills displayed so far?

isn't always about poetic songs? guy, when the "song" consists solely of words, it better be pretty damned poetic, or it's nothing. are you as blinkered as you seem?
This thread is funny. "eminem," I take it you probably also like Linkin Park and Good Charlotte? :lol:

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. :loco:

And, you can't forget everyones favorite, 50 Cent!
I wanted a album so rugged nobody could touch it
Spend a million a track and went over my budget (Oh Shit!)
Now how in the fuck am I supposed to get out of debt
I cant rap anymore I just murdered the alphabet
Drug sickness got me doing some bug switches
Im withdrawn from crack so bad my blood itches
I dont rap to get the woeman fuck bitches
Give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes
Never ran with a click, Im a posse
Kamikazze strapping a mother fucking bomb across me
From the second I was born my mommer lost me
And I'm a cross between Manson, Esham and Ozzy
I dont know why the fuck Im here in the first place
My worst day on this earth was my first birthday
Retarded? what did that nurse say? Brain Damage
Fuck I was born during a earthquake

This is actual lyrics from an Eminem song. Its all about a rich rapper whining about his "shitty" life. LMAO. It isn't poetic at all. It sounds like my little brother wrote the lyrics.

You people talk alot of shit... Ok i don't listen to eminem that much, but he writes good lyrics...

Gimmie Eminem over Linking Park or Limp Bizkit anyday!
eminem said:
hi. i'm a big in flames fan(since the colony album) and i'm looking for bands that are good like in flames. i see that this board is very popular so i want to check out this band. which albums do your recommend? is this band heavy like in flames? also where would be a good place to download them?

Hi eminem fan,

Good like In Flames huh? Well, it's entirely relative you know. For some, In Flames are damn awesome but for other they suck incredibly. But if you want something in the lines of In Flames, Opeth may not be the ideal band to start with. Their song structure is quite different: more progressive, more retro etc...As for heaviness, I wouldn't call In Flames heavy. Anyway, Opeth are more heavy than In Flames. If you're determined to try Opeth, I would go with Orchid considering you're an In Flame fan.

Here's some band that you might enjoy: Iced Earth, Nevermore, Cradle of Filth...

note: About the Eminem bashing, well..welcome to the board..aha. no really, don't take it personnal.