which opeth cd?

I don't care much about him, I just get fucking pissed off when people say that he is talented. He is doing something that anyone could. I literally mean almost everyone could write lyrics and rap like that.
Needled24Seven said:
whats really sad is theyre trying to judge people based on what they listen to. this kid just got here, and already you people are talking down on him. you people make me sick. most opeth fans think theyre so open minded...when really theyre just stuck up pricks. :wave:

I don't think that people are judging him; I know that I am not attempting to. Like what I say, people give credit to Eminem and I personally don't think that he deserves it. If any single band deserves it then it is The Melvins, not some rich mother fucker that writes like a child.
Needled24Seven said:
oh and if its so easy like you say, i would like to see you write a rhyme half as good. after you do that why dont you try and rap with it. i bet not only your voice sounds like crap but also your lyrics.

Ok, let me get my poem book out from when I was in third grade ;) :p ;)
Needled24Seven said:
what makes you think anyone who listens to eminem would be interested in any of that crap? also may i ask what your screen name stands for? is it....disturbed as in the band who only wrote one shitty song, and made two cds out of it?:lol:

Hahahahaha. Another who doesn't get my name and immediately thinks it has something to do with Disturbed. Hey, get this. Disturbed is an actual English word, in the English language. *Gasps*

And, since all you people speek "L337" here all the time, you should know, that "4" means A. So, my name means that I have disturbed antics.

Disturbed4ntics said:
This thread is funny. "eminem," I take it you probably also like Linkin Park and Good Charlotte? :lol:
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. :loco:
And, you can't forget everyones favorite, 50 Cent!

since you asked, yes, i do enjoy listening to linkin park sometimes. they're not breaking much new ground but they know how to craft a song. for what they are, a mainstream rap-metal band, they're pretty good. good charlotte? no, i don't like them. and 50 cent is all hype. he's not very original. but props to him for getting shot 9 times
saturnix said:
why doesn't it surprise me that the two eminem fans on this board have the worst grammatical skills displayed so far?

isn't always about poetic songs? guy, when the "song" consists solely of words, it better be pretty damned poetic, or it's nothing. are you as blinkered as you seem?

oh no, don't insult my grammatical skills. did it ever occur to you that i might not be a native speaker? you really seem immature for someone who has nietzsche in his signature. or is it all for show?
Needled24Seven said:
unless your a little school girl, stop with the poems bull. i wouldnt exactly call rap poetry.

so far all i see is talk, so lets see it already. :tickled:

It is called sarcasm. I was saying that 3rd grade poetry is equivalent to Eminem's lyrics.
changso said:
Sooo Eminem, listened any of my recommendations yet?

haven't listened to iced earth or the other bands you recommended but i did get damnation by opeth. just finishing up listening to it. it is quite good. reminds me of some ELP i heard a while ago. i think it will take a few more listens to appreciate it fully tho(that's the case with a lot of progressive hip-hop too).
Needled24Seven said:
you cant judge opeth by just listening to damnation. damnation totally different for the other cds. i mean its not even in the same genre.

yes yes, i will check out the rest too. the modem only goes so fast
segaszivos said:
This is actual lyrics from an Eminem song. Its all about a rich rapper whining about his "shitty" life. LMAO. It isn't poetic at all. It sounds like my little brother wrote the lyrics.


Because we all know money=happiness.

This board gets more ignorant every day. Rapping does require talent, and Eminem is talented. Maybe you should all stop being so close minded and listen to something else for a change.
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i just listened to blackwater park. this is a great album. i loved the dynamics. they went from yelling to normal singing effortlessly and it sounded good. and some of the riffs are very original. i'd never think of playing something like that on guitar. and the guy doing the singing is actually a talented singer(better than in flames singing i must say). even the yelling is great
eminem said:
i just listened to blackwater park. this is a great album. i loved the dynamics. they went from yelling to normal singing effortlessly and it sounded good. and some of the riffs are very original. i'd never think of playing something like that on guitar. and the guy doing the singing is actually a talented singer(better than in flames singing i must say). even the yelling is great

Blackwater Park is my fav. But I think you'll be more into Orchid style.
great to see some open minded people here. there are talented artists in metal, rap, pop, rock and every other genre. it's not the kind of music you do, it's how you do it. and i have to say opeth does their kind pretty damn well. thanks to anyone who suggested other bands to me. i'll get to them asap
At first, I thought about flaming you bigtime for liking eminem. But then I realized it'd just be an opnion, and arguing over opinions is the worlds stupidest argument ever, since no one will win.

I'm glad you like opeth and in flames. I reccomend these 2 cds to you:
God was created by vehemence
dark saga by iced earth