Which posters are members of Vehemence anyways?

I don't know who all the trash talkers are, but I've only read good reviews about the new album. Personally, its not my cup of tea, but you can't please everyone. I have no regrets about buying the album, no doubt its a good release, I just wasn't prepared for mid-paced death metal after reading reviews. If you guys decide to turn into a carbon copy of Vomitory I won't complain :D . I can sit and listen to any of the 4 Vomitory releases all day long and be a happy camper.
Yes, Vehemence contains alot of Mid Paced material, sort of like Amon Amarth, A Canorous Quintet, Ill Disposed even. I have all the Vomitorys and they are a very good band for Brutal Death Metal, not like Disavowed but more like in a Mid Paced kind of way. The next album we make will sound a liltte bit different than the GWC album. We plan to make different tyles of music each CD containing the basic sound of Vehemence but with alot more skill each time. Lets say it will be alot more technical but in a comprehensive way. It Flows.