which song would you like to be played in your own funeral or burial interment?

Originally posted by Moonlapse
The Funeral Portrait!! Perfect song to send me down and to be remembered with. I mean seriously, wouldn't you like to go out with a dual-solo? :)

:lol: Right on.

"Still Day Beneath The Sun" wouldn't be bad, but kind of obvious, since it's actually about a funeral. And Opeth's Requiem would be cool too, just so pretty and melancholy. Wish it were longer.

If I had to pick just one, though, I'd have Pantera's "Cowboys From Hell"... then halfway through the eulogy I'd have a guy flying out of the grave (that everybody thought was empty, before they put me in) on a motocross bike, firing a shotgun. Because people like surprises.
if it had to be an opeth song, probably to bid you farewell then and for absent friends.

other songs would probably be...
anathema - one last goodbye
nin- hurt
at the gates- suicide nation :D
mad season- wake up
cannibal corpse-through the eyes of the dead
Originally posted by Raven The Molested
I've thought about this before, and I don't really know. I guess 'Thorns on my Grave' by Emperor would be cool from a lyrical standpoint: "This body should remain concealed, for it holds every disease ever exposed, It holds all pain and death I could never unleash."

Yeah, I'd want my funeral to be a really harrowing affair :grin:

GOOD CALL!!! Wow, I wouldn't have thought of this, but Thorns On My Grave would be a fantastic funeral song.