While Heave Wept Cancels Midweek Mayhem


Aug 1, 2002
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A statement from Tom Phillips, from While Heaven Wept:

When it rains, it does indeed pour...

2015 has been a challenging year for While Heaven Wept already as many of you know, and the deluge continues: we sincerely regret to inform everyone that we will not be able to perform at Midweek Mayhem this year due to a plethora of unforeseen circumstances manifesting in the months since we confirmed our participation. The short of it is, no less than 4 band members have experienced windfalls on a personal level - significant promotions & life-altering career changes specifically - while this is great news on one hand, this also unfortunately impacts WHW in a not-so-great way...albeit temporarily.

We have long had a policy of "family first" within the band, and this applies here as well...but we have to take the fortunes with the drawbacks as they come...and the gist is though great things are happening in abundance on a personal level, the band members in question one-by-one had to pull out of this event (in one case, due to being shipped out of state for mandatory job training, others due to new jobs where no leave time has been accrued, etc). Initially we once again looked into surrogate musicians, and while this seemed to solve matters in at least one case, there's no way we can replace more than half of the band and expect anyone, including ourselves to settle for an approximation of WHW - especially those spending their own hard-earned money expecting magic.

We've always made it a point to be extremely transparent about everything that we do, and this situation is no exception; Milton and company have been updated on the unexpected twists in this road along the way, and like I said, we discussed together going forward with a modified lineup for the show - but once faced with the prospect of replacing half of the band to make this happen somehow, it just seemed that the best move for all parties involved was to bout out, handle this as professionally and gracefully as possible, and congratulate our mates on their improved circumstances regardless of how disappointing this is for all of us.

I also wanted to convey that there's no drama or BS here...everything is all good...we just can't do the show THIS year. Milton has been nothing but supportive, understanding, and cool about all of this - and we are all extremely grateful for both that, as well as even being offered the opportunity to help kick off the ProgPower festivities this year.

I know there are some folks out there who were planning to attend Midweek Mayhem on account of us - all I can say is that we're truly sorry that we can't make this happen this year. I want to personally invite anyone who was attending specifically for us to reach out to me and we will figure out some way to make it right with you too. I also encourage you to attend regardless as Halcyon Way, Voyager, Evergrey are still going to slay, and I'm confident Milton will secure a suitable - perhaps even more desirable replacement for us as well.

Otherwise, for all who are wondering, YES we are still alive, YES there are some exciting twists and turns ahead, and YES there is a lot more music on the horizon - albums and concerts - but this isn't the forum for discussing these, and it's just a touch premature...I just want you all to know that despite all of the tribulations we have faced this year, it hasn't weakened our resolve ultimately, and in fact, we'll be back soon, more impassioned than ever...as the "fire" is still raging...despite the downpours.

Needless to say, I am disappointed about this development, but the show must go on. There's absolutely no bad blood or drama, like Tom mentioned. He's been a true gentleman about things and I am confident that they will grace our stage again in the future.

As for a replacement, I am currently gauging my options and working on it. Don't expect news anytime soon though.

Thanks everyone for the support.
That's a bummer for everyone who was looking forward to them. At least that's a very positive reason to need to bow out.
Ironic, considering I'm going to see Brave tonight and talk to them about seeing them at ProgPower. Really bummed, because they were really the only reason why I wanted to go on Wed. I'll have to see who Milton gets as a replacement.
While this is a bummer why get a replacement? Just give the bands longer sets. I'm sure no one will have a problem with getting more of Evergrey as they are the closest thing to a "house band" the fest has. And we know the big boss certainly wouldn't mind that. :)
Hey Milton a great replacement would be ASKA from Dallas Texas, lots of people know them and their work. Ask Zod.
I think it goes without saying that I'm disappointed to hear this news. Milton put so much effort into putting a high-quality lineup together, and there are still some major fan favorites on the bill, so I think the show will still be a success. However, I must admit that While Heaven Wept was the only band that I personally wanted to see that night. Even still, I trust that Milton will find an option that pleases the majority of attendees.

Stay metal. Never rust.
you already added Evergrey....why have to find a replacement?

Because Evergrey and Voyager are already touring? That extra band helps make the show stand out a bit from a regular tour stop.

I'm there regardless (my first-ever Wednesday night PPUSA show), but I'd like to see another band if that's at all possible.
Because Evergrey and Voyager are already touring? That extra band helps make the show stand out a bit from a regular tour stop.

I'm there regardless (my first-ever Wednesday night PPUSA show), but I'd like to see another band if that's at all possible.

Thanks Justin. That's exactly why I am not adding either Borealis or Oceans of Slumber. I want this to be different than the tour.

We'll see what happens. I have a couple things in mind :)
Voyager was my main reason but WHW helped make the decision to attend wed night for the first time in years with a VIP ticket even so this is a disappointing turn of events.
Oh well, best of luck finding a replacement Milton.
I really love While Heaven Wept. When they played at the festival a few years ago, their performance was one of the most emotional experiences that I have ever had at any concert. For me, their music has an almost spiritual nature. Needless to say, I will very much miss them.

Concerning their reason for cancelling, I fully understand and wish them nothing but the best in their personal lives. Situations like this are a good time to reminder that many of our favorite bands have day-jobs, and it is only for the love of the music, the musical experience and their fans that they press on. Our support of them as a band and as individuals is critically important.
Concerning their reason for cancelling, I fully understand and wish them nothing but the best in their personal lives. Situations like this are a good time to reminder that many of our favorite bands have day-jobs, and it is only for the love of the music, the musical experience and their fans that they press on. Our support of them as a band and as individuals is critically important.

Amen to that.
Wishing the WHW gang nothing but the best, and definitely understand the reasons. Life happens, and I have no doubt Milton will find a suitable replacement.
Sucks for the band and the folks who were looking forward to them. However, Glenn and Milt have a track record of turning cancellations into opportunities. Curious to see who the replacement is. My guess is Avantasia with Andrew WK handling all vocal duties.