Consuming Impulse
New Metal Member
i think there is nothing wrong with multiculturism. anyone who has a probably with multiculturasim can fuck off.
Norsemaiden said:The trouble with multiculturalism is that it ends up as a monoculture, which would be both boring and tragic. If you want to have a multitude of cultures you have to keep them apart. Is that not logical?
We are ending up with a monoculture. And do you know what that monoculture is? Think every town with the same shops and the same powerful financial monopolies controlling everything. The same American based programmes and films the world over. The same money-worshipping values, the loss of any sense of belonging somewhere or caring about one's own community - and thus not caring about anyone except yourself - being a cog in a wheel of the artificial monoculture. It means nearly everyone being a rootless slave to the powerful minority elite.
The Project for the New American Century plans to mold every country into its ideal of how the monoculture should be. The only permitted superpower is the US. I don't know how well they will succeed, but they will certainly turn the world into shit in the attempt.
They want everyone to think like Consuming Impulse on this.
Demilich may be right that all is already lost. But that is defeatist talk and I want to be postitive.
Demilich said:I believe that segregation of cultures is a lost cause. This is true for many reasons, some of which may be speculation, but others are hardly refutable. Here are a few ideas:
1) Even if we DID determine that it was a feasible, realistic idea to separate each culture, not everybody would want to. Some people do support the idea of merging cultures.
2) The way things are now, with the extent of interracial breeding that has already occurred, lineage is often unclear. If people were seperated by ethnicity, what would become of these "mixed breeds"? If anything, they represent the emergence of new types of culture.
3) The monoculture which results from multicultural society, aside from leading to the dissolution of the respective cultures, allows for a lot of interesting combinations of various cultures. Arts, food, literature, etc. as of the 21st century exist in a globalized way that indicates the need to move away from thinking of each individual race as possessing a distinct, pure, uniform culture that can be returned to if people of this race are separated. Every race in this world which has access to TV, the internet, airplanes, boats, telephones, international commerce, etc. has experienced sufficient influence from international cultures that their own culture would not be the same without. Look, for example, at all the Western influence which sept into Japanese culture following the Meiji Restoration in the 1800s. To distill Japanese culture, or indeed any specific culture, from the myriad outside influences which have been prevalent for at least a century would be nearly impossible.
So, to sum up, I can admit that I have a bit of a romantic attachment to the idea of seperation of cultures. It would save a LOT of trouble. However, realistically, I find that it would be infeasible, and even if it was somehow achieved, would not indicate that we had achieved the restoration of what was in the past, but that we had pulled all the different "ingredients" out of the melting pot and were hoping that too much hadn't been mixed together already.
I hope I'm making sense with all this. I can't really cite anyone or anything, I've been thinking it all out as I go.
the whole concept of being anti multiculturism is racist. segeragation is wrong and stupid. only half racists or whole racists support that shit and you saying that "mixed breeds" shit highly offended me cause i am a "mixed breed" the thing multiculturisim is gonna solve is the end of racism.Demilich said:Did you read what I wrote at all? I'd really like to know which part of it made you think of me as a racist?
I think you'll find that if you think about it, there are good and bad points to just about everything, multiculturalism included. Norsemaiden has done well to point out some of its pitfalls.
Consuming Impulse said:the whole concept of being anti multiculturism is racist. segeragation is wrong and stupid. only half racists or whole racists support that shit and you saying that "mixed breeds" shit highly offended me cause i am a "mixed breed" the thing multiculturisim is gonna solve is the end of racism.
Consuming Impulse said:the whole concept of being anti multiculturism is racist. segeragation is wrong and stupid. only half racists or whole racists support that shit and you saying that "mixed breeds" shit highly offended me cause i am a "mixed breed" the thing multiculturisim is gonna solve is the end of racism.
Demilich said:I believe that segregation of cultures is a lost cause.
If people were seperated by ethnicity, what would become of these "mixed breeds"?
The monoculture which results from multicultural society... allows for a lot of interesting combinations of various cultures.
...need to move away from thinking of each individual race as possessing a distinct, pure, uniform culture that can be returned to if people of this race are separated
Norsemaiden said:That's the future for our greatgrandchildren.
Demilich said:Let me get this straight: If we don't stop multiculturalism now, our great grandchildren will live in Northern India? Now you're starting to show a bit of racist flair. Do you believe that multiculturalism means that your people's blood will be diluted by those of "inferior" peoples and that your offspring's lifestyle is at risk by exposure to these people?
The problem of unsafe water is not a cultural issue. Large scale problems with drinking water probably exist far closer to home than you'd care to expect.
Furthermore, you seem to have a problem with Consuming Impulse looking out for the interests of "his people," yet seem to be pretty concerned with a future for your people over the future for, say, those Northern Indian rural people who haven't got safe water to drink. In the grand scheme of things, who is more important? An Englishwoman sitting behind a desktop spewing forth theories which dismiss the reality of our world, or those whose reality itself lacks one of the most basic needs that we have in excess?
A point is just that Consuming impulse seems to define who "his people" are purely on the basis of skin, and everyone who is half breed (or non- white?) counts as his people - which is racist against whites
Norsemaiden said:If you take race out of the equasion, there'll always be something else dividing people that takes its place. We agree on that I think.![]()
i don't have a problem with multiculturism at all, i just have a problem with those people that decide to live in america without learning a single fucking word of english when blue-eyed-blonde cosplayers become comepletely fluent in Japaneese when they're only going to be in Japan for one week a yearConsuming Impulse said:i think there is nothing wrong with multiculturism. anyone who has a probably with multiculturasim can fuck off.
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:i don't need to speak spanish when i drive through the drive-through at every single fucking fast food place or try to order a pizza or get a cab
stewie griffin at the electronics shopDemilich said:"Could I possibly speak to somebody who didn't come to this country on a floating door?"![]()
Norsemaiden said:You see multiculturalism as good especially because it would mean more people like you. So that totally explains your position. And it is not my position. Your priority is what you see as best for you first and for who you call your people, secondly. It is not about what is actually best for the future of mankind or the planet. You don't care if everywhere becomes like India or any similar nation.