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Nemesis_lxix said:
Kill the false ones :kickass:

Unfortunately there are a lot in my country.. They listen to and dress to pose around, to find girl friends or boy friends.. Some people even don't know any English but listen to some bands just because of their physical appearance, as they find them different, and as they want to be different like them.. They don't know about what the songs are about.. There are a lot of Turkish people who loves SOAD and expects them to Turkey without knowing their ideology.. (You know they are Armenian and they want to kill all the Turkish people). It is impossible for SOAD to come here etc.. (By the way I like Armenians and I hate politics, I don't want to start a politic quarrel or something, do not take it personal or general.. Let me repeat I like Armenians and every single race and population on this world without any prejudice or ideology). Sorry guys, I've just watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyzsfHXq-c0 (If you want to take a look, it requires membership, you can be members in some seconds) and I am a bit down now.. If there was really a genocide like that, you shouldn't send the bill of that to us, the Turkish youth... Although I don't want to believe in such a genocide, cuz it is too bad, I want to mention that we are no more Ottomans, Peace!!!... Sorry.. Read them and please don't consider what I wrote as on purpose to create a debate..
necromancy said:

I just saw the video and it was really disturbing.
The song was rubbish but all the pics of the dead children were really sad.
I didn’t know that such a matter existed at all.
History was never my field,but from what I was taught,I thought that the “Armenian genocide” was a historical fact.
So,officially Turkey denies it ever happened ?

I was aware that there still was a conflict between the Turks and the Armenians and I also knew that SOAD originated from Armenia but had no idea they were political extremists.

Personally I believe that national history and pride should never be forgotten since it’s the only thing that defines a nation’s legacy and prevents people from doing the same stupid shit twice (actually stupid people do the same stupid shit more than twice,but theoretically, you understand what I mean)
Despite of all that,I fail to see how hating an entire race will solve anything !

I don’t judge the band or the people for not forgetting that such and atrocity happened and that people got killed.
I don’t even judge them for hating those who may consider that what in fact was a crime of war as a minor loss.(Human life is never a minor loss !)
I just hate it when stupid people are willing to avenge the killing of innocent women and children by slaying more innocent women and children.This means becoming the very thing that you despise so much and this will most definitely lead to a vicious circle and before you know it,there will be people crushing plains in buildings again.

I understand that most of us(including myself) here have reason to despice some countries but this doesn’t mean that we should hate every person from that country we meat.

@ necromancy:I don’t think that you should get that much pissed every time some stupid holds you responsible for something that your counties government did a long time ago.Its better to get pissed at the government (and I mean every government) for leading people to this mess and then all the politicians and fucking diplomats pulling their tails out like they have nothing to do with it.
Stay open minded and clever !
I think you are a great person :kickass:
:) I am not much into politics and history.. Ottomans may have done such a terrible genocide and those pictures are saddening.. And yes I am not much proud of Ottoman Empire times and some old centuries.. Etc etc.. Lets close this subject..
Nemesis_lxix said:
So,officially Turkey denies it ever happened ?

I was aware that there still was a conflict between the Turks and the Armenians and I also knew that SOAD originated from Armenia but had no idea they were political extremists.

Yeh, officially Turkey still deny that it ever happened. As far as I was aware, SOAD do not hate Turkish people at all, they just want the genocide to be officially recognised. After all, they had relatives who were around when it happened, etc. Doesn't the term 'political extremist' annoy the hell out of you?
Sinstress said:
Name: If I told you, I'd have to kill you...

Favorite Band: My Dying Bride

Something Unusual About Me: Mostly all of my opinions, really.

That's all you get...

Yippee, My Dying Bride are awesome! Welcome.
Neith said:
Yeh, officially Turkey still deny that it ever happened. As far as I was aware, SOAD do not hate Turkish people at all, they just want the genocide to be officially recognised. After all, they had relatives who were around when it happened, etc. Doesn't the term 'political extremist' annoy the hell out of you?

Yes it does annoy me.. anyway. Let's close this subject..
Neith said:
Yeh, officially Turkey still deny that it ever happened. As far as I was aware, SOAD do not hate Turkish people at all, they just want the genocide to be officially recognised. After all, they had relatives who were around when it happened, etc. Doesn't the term 'political extremist' annoy the hell out of you?

Yes it does annoy me.. anyway. Let's close this subject..

name: Paul

favorite bands: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Black Sabbath

something unusual about me: I hate onions & sour cream, but my favorite potato chips are sour cream & onion.

favorite sports: Playing = Baseball/softball. Watching = Hockey

favorite teams: L.A. Kings, Anaheim Angels, Washington Redskins, L.A. Lakers, L.A. Galaxy