Who Are You?

somethnig unsual abaout me:ı always eat mayones=)so ı need always go toılet=)howewr li like hard drinks:D
My favorite bands:CoB,cOf,dimmu borgir,burzum,inflames,trıvıum,arch enemy...I HATE METALLİCA:d
favoritre sports:only sex:O
favorite team:GALATASARAY
from turkey:P
ı want to meet COB's fans if u want u can add me:D darkgravity666@hotmail.com ı am wainting:D
name: Aleksandar
favourite band: Iron Maiden, HammerFall, Aginst Satan, COB, Ortodox Celts, Eyesburn, In Flames, Wolfs Hunger, Sunshine...
favourite food: Serbian
Something Unusual About Me: My grand, grand, grand father was in war, my grand, grand father was in war, my grand father was in war, my father was in war, IT'S MY TURN!!!
favourite sport: football, basketball, waterpolo
favourite team: Red Star *Belgrade#, Napredak*Krusevac*
Favorite band-Emperor and Morbid Angel
Favorite sport-boxing
Favorite sports team-Dallas Cowboys
Favorite food-Chinese
Favorite drink-Mello Yellow
One thing you may not know about me-I'm changing my college major to Communications-Broadcasting and am going to take some music producer classes along with this. I'd love to be a metal radio DJ and plan on moving to a large city/metropolis area when I'm done with college in 4 years.
Place I'd like to travel to most-Norway and I want to eventually go on a travel-study program and stay for a while.
Favorite hobby-Playing guitar, death metal growling, and running 5K races.
Name: Eliana (Ellie, Elle, Eli, Elli, etc)

Favorite band: it's too difficult to choose......*head hurts*

Something unusual about me: I'm very indecisive, my neck is very sensitive (sometimes just touching it can turn me on *blushes*), and have a multi-dimensional personality

Favorite sport: soccer

Favorite team: urm, Brazil, although Italy is a close second

Favourite Actor: (not to sound cliché)Johnny Depp, Anthony Hopkins, Scarlet Johanson, Sean Connery, and a few others

Passions: Music, drama, art, literature
Name: Eddy
Favorite Band: Children of Bodom / Wintersun
Favorite Food: hmm idk
Favorite Sport:i dont have one
Favorite Team: fuck them
Something Unusual About Me: My parents tried to give me and excorcism
Hobbies:Metal and Guitar
Name: Chris
Favorite Band: Draconian (Opeth and Symphony X are a really close second)
Favorite Food: Double bacon cheese burgerrrrrr.
Favorite Sport: Sleeping
Favorite Team: none
Something Unusual About Me: I have an irrational obsession with loofahs, as strange as it sounds. Don't ask...
Interests: Music, literature, anime, and I'm trying to learn guitar, but I'm really slacking so I don't know if it's gonna happen...
Favorite band:Iron Maiden, COB, In Flames
Favorite Sport:Football, basketball...
Favorite Team:Red Star
I live in Serbia
Name: Jeff
Favorite Band: In Flames
Favorite Food: Thai, Mexican, Chinese, I love all food
Favorite Sport: Soccer/Fußball
Favorite Team: Utah Jazz (basketball)
Something Unusual About Me: I have OCD and check my mailbox whenever I see it
Interests: Music, History, Drinking, Languages, Movies
Name - Jason
Favorite Band - Cryptic Nightmare
Favorite Food - American, dammit
Favorite Sport - American football, basketball
Favorite Team - UCLA Bruins
Something Unusual - I tied for highest SAT score at my high school
Interests - Military History, Sports, Fantasy football
favorite band:lot of black-metal band
favorite sport:football,killing people,sex (yeah i think it's a kind of sport)
favorite team: MANCHESTER UNITED
Interests:musique,videos games and japannese "manga" not that kind of pokemon...but just like "ghost in the shell" "full metal alchemiste" "bleach"
Name: Jenna
Favorite band(s): Kalmah, Amon Amarth, Decapitated to name a few.
Favorite food: Any kind of tropical fruit (yeah i know)
Favorite sport: I don't play sport, i enjoy watching boxing though
Favourite actor: Edward Norton
Something unusual about me: i stabbed myself in the foot with a pitchfork
Name: Prakul
Favorite Band(s): In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Iron Maiden, Dark Tranquillity, God Dethroned.
Something unusual about me: Nothing at all. xD
Favorite Sport(s): Almost everything. Basketball, Tennis, Foot Ball and Cricket mainly.
Favorite Actor: Jhonny Depp
Favorite Actress: Too many. Just too many. [hotness....... /hotness]

Blah blah. I'm terribly sick today. Off I go.
name: Christine
favorite band: Children of Bodom, Kalmah, Nevermore, Norther, Ensiferum, Behemoth, In Flames, Amon Amarth, etc..
something unusual about me: I liked System of a Down back in 5th-6th grade :erk:
favorite sport: Hockey
favorite team: Sabres