Who can Play here lile COB? Idea in it..

How bout we use a standard form of recording for all parts. ProTools. . . export to file. . .email it to the next person in the chain. . .import to protools. . .record away. how bout it.
k..its ok if we do in that way, but i guess that is better if we can stay in contact via Msn or ICq or Aol, so we can send the tracks via those programs..i have both three so..

Now the first thing to do is a Poll with evey Cob songs..we will record the One with more votes on..

Stay Tuned friend1
Eh? The solo to Downfall isn't really that difficult. I can play the entire song from beginning to end: rhythm and lead. I also have a home studio with the ability to record anything I want. But the truth is I prefer not to get into this type of stuff. Somebody always ends up pissing me off sometime or another. Some ass would make a recording and save it as 12kbps mp3, then expect me to put a lead or something on it. And then you always get those people who want to do everything there own way.. I just don't work well with other people because that has always been my experience with it.

Oh, I havn't posted here for a while. Just been lurking the forum for the last year. I saw Children of Bodom in Atlanta. Was a great show. A little too bassy for my tastes. And alexi's guitar and jannes keyboard where too quiet during the first 2 songs. But im still recovering from the awesomeness of it.
Ahh what the fuck? What happend to the headbanger emoticon?
§tygian Apothegm said:
btw i was at the show in atlanta too and cob owned your ass so shush.
I'm not quite sure what to make of this...?

It's been a while since I've played it but I should be able to throw together a recording. I'm definatly not as good as thilo. I've attempted the solo to warheart several times and never could get it to sound very good. I've heard him play it flawlessly.

I'm not trying to talk shit if that is what it sounds like. I seriously can't work with people over the internet. I've tried several times. That was trying to write original music though. I can't say I've done a cover with another person on the net before.
Bah! I was talking shit. I can't play it anymore. :grin: But I'm being totally honest, that solo isn't one of the most difficult. I was able to play it perfectly a little over a year ago. I'm a little slow on the sweeps now. A few days of practice and I should be able to do it again. But the second expansion to neverwinter nights is out tomorrow so I won't be playing my guitar for a while. :wave:

And don't tell me to shush mother fucker! :grin:
Downfall is something like 200 bpm, some songs' solos are close to 300 or over... but there are also a few at only 180 (Touch Like... Warheart, Follow the Reaper too I think) or 190 (one of their most common tempos), and even 170 (Wrath Within)... we should do one of them. Oh, I forgot, Bed of Razors... but that's been done before a few times.
Ok Red Light In My Eyes Part 1 it is! Haha just kidding, this is a sick idea! You guys better do it this time too. I won;t do shit cause I can't do shit hahaha but upload it when its done cause I bet it will be kickass.
SpiritCrusherX said:
I really think learning other people's solos is a waste of time. I say if you can do that, kudos to you, that's excellent. But I really think it hinders your own creative ability. I would rather spend time improvising and practicing scales so I can make up my own shit.
I definately dont agree, I mean if you cant play shit and dont know where to start its always a good beginning to check out others stuff.
@The Child Of Bodom - I didn't cut it at all but i needed to sand the surface very lightly, i used wet/dry 400-600 grit sandpaper, then i did many very thin layers of carpaint. It's relatively easy if ou know how to use a spray can. You just have to mask the part you don't want to paint, including the bottom.

oh and people, we should also record a metronome track just so that we all can keep a steady pace, agreed? drum stick clicks in the beginning, then a constant tic tic in the background, just so that we are all on the same page, bpm wise. is it easy to record, just use power tab editor and make a bar with only rests in it and hit repeat 8934934 times, then hit the record button. Let me know people
i can play most off Children of Bodom song and i can do in a good way Downfall, so, we will cover that one..its ok for everyone?
I play Synth and i do covered also War of Razors..