Who can Play here lile COB? Idea in it..

I was talking to my friend about this thing and he had some interesting ideas. We should have a KEY, as in one uniform version of the song to go with. This can be done via GP3 files. We post the file, and everyone learns their respective part, then record it according to the metronome, and submit it. If I knew how to build a website i would do this, but I don't know how to so I am not able to.
Another thing he mentioned was this, the order of the submissions should be like that of a mixing studio. Meaning drums first, then bass, then rythem guitars, then lead guitars, then keyboards, then vocals. The drummer should play, to the metronome, the bassplayer should play to the drummer and the metronome, the rythem guitarist should play to the dums and bass, and so on, until we have a finished version.hese are just some suggestions I have. Either way this should still be really fun.

Bob Tomasi
Alright I am at School now so I can make the site a little Nicer cuz I have programs here that can help me with the stuff I was having trouble with at Home. So Bob I will Talk to you Later tonight on AIM probably then we can go over how to do the site and all the files and stuff and I can do it here tomorrow cuz I have plenty of Web building programs on this computer that I can use.
ok, me and SilentNight have started really getting this moving, and i think it is coming out well. We used a KEY, being a Downfall GP file, please, no matter how much you think it is wrong, or missing a part (unless a really obvious one), please do not deviate form the composition on the site. I will write up the Info button to explain how this will go, also. This is a fun project guys, and if it works well we can do more songs, and stuff.
i dont have it written yet, and i need to do a few things in the office first but after that i will do it. It will be about a page long if I can think of everything. any other suggestions people??
Ok, thee site is pretty much done now, but now we need recordings. The best wat to send the recordings is through instant messengers, so download on eor take either my, Mago's or SilentNight's names from our profiles. try to make sure that they are either in WAV. or MP3 format. thanks
I wouldn't mind doing lead guitar for a song, I guess I'll just follow the thread and if something I like comes up, I'll post. The guitar parts in Downfall are already taken right?
i think so, but i havent heard anything from stonedanddrunk so i dont know if he still wants to do it, anyone who has part already recorded send them to me via any of the four messengers i have.
Also Serge anybody can record and send them in. Thats the point of the whole thing everybody can send in what they have. then we vote on the best ones then Somebody mixes the ones that were voted on all together. So if u have any Recordings Serge Send them in to Bob or me on one of the Instant Messagers we have.
The tempo is 199 bpm... And i have to do my guitars one mp3 file. I hope that is okay. Bobvex is no online, so who will i send that to?
i will be on line at 5:00 pm MST which is 1:00 am in finland, if you are not on i will leave it on all tomorrow and you can send it then