Who does Novembers Doom's artwork?

No actually it's far from mean. Watching you just caused me to think of some random things. It might be a metaphor for something about "really good performance."
Anywho... I can't wait to see the blabbermouth story based on this thread. "Ultimate-metal.com user breaks up November's Doom, starts haberdashery with guitarist."


p.s. DUCKS!
Disc 2:
01. GOD DAMN! That guy's voice is brutal.
02. Yep. Paul's quite the dynamic dude.
03. WTG? He sounds all mellow now.
04. Hence my usage of the word "dynamic," fucktard.
05. Eat my shit.
06. It got corn in it?
07. Speaking of corn, you got any chicken?
08. Man, do you ever think of anything other than food?
09. Yeah. I think about how Paul's vocals fucking SLAY!
10. You kissass bastard.
11. Sook my deek soon of the bitch.
13. Man, we need to organize our mockery.
14. Yeah I know what you mean.
15. What the hell can we pick on Paul about?
16. Cowboy hats?
17. Well, I guess he's in the same room as one.
18. Yeah. It IS pretty weak. I'm just that damn stumped.
19. It's much easier to pick on the guitarist who doesn't have to go through that shit in the lyrics.
20. Yeah. Mocking Paul is like using a sledgehammer as a tool for abortion.
21. WTF does that mean?
22. Well,I was getting desperate for conversation topics so I wanted to claim I was drunk again...
23. Dude, alcohol doesn't explain that.
24. I agree.
25. Did someone drop you on your head when you were a kid?
26. Hey this is supposed to be about Paul!!!
27. Like we said, it's difficult to mock him.
28. I know. He's like this big growly teddy bear on stage.
29.What? You want to cuddle him?
30. Well, if he needs it and asks real nice and it's okay with his wife...
31. Why the hell would he need cuddling? Dude sounds fucking METAL!
32. Yeah well he's all gloomy and doomy.
33. This isn't emo, dude. If life sucks, drink until it dies, ya know?
34. That would explain power metal lyrics.
35. Did youknow that Dragonland covered the Neverending Story theme?
36. hahahah fuck yeah! Neverending Stooooryyyyy aaaaaaah
37. It's on par with Rob & Fab's Cheap Trick cover!
38. Who?
39. Milli Vanilli dudes.
40. They're still around?
41. No. One of them's dead.
42. Death is pretty doomy.
43. More doomy than November if you ask me.
44. Oh, stop trying to get remotely back on topic, jerk
45. Want to have a comb fight?
46. How the fuck do you do that?
47. Don't ask me. All I know is cut that kid up pretty bad back in 3rd grade!
48. I like chicken.
49. Does your mom know the real me?
50. Oh man you sick fuck!
51. What? I never asked if she wanted sex...
52. Oh fuck off. I know you slept with her!
53. What the hell?
54. Aren't you my dad?
55. Uh not quite.
56. I think we should talk about Paul again...
57. Yeah. This is getting creepy.
58. So... Paul looks pretty tall.
59. Yeah. He has nice legs.
60. What the hell?
61.I meant long legs. Mine are all short and stubby and it pisses me off.
62. Are you hitting on paul?
63. NO! It's not like he wears a cowboy hat.
kleo706 said:
19. It's much easier to pick on the guitarist who doesn't have to go through that shit in the lyrics.
Hmmm.....let's just say that between Paul and myself, we plan to have a tour doctor and a good health plan written into our new recording contract! hahaha! But, I must say that poor Paul's situation does pretty much take the cake over my problems. I worry about that guy =/

And my hat is still cool. Chicks like the hat. Unfortunately, I look like I'm in Skynyrd even when I don't wear the hat *sigh*......So, go fuck yourself.
Well Paul... that's why I handle the press, man.

Larry... relax. I could see the pain in your eyes when we talked in Worcester and don't consider it invalid by any means. However, in light of the the tone of this piece, I felt that omitting my knowledge was appropriate. Also, in case you missed it... I am reaching the conclusion that the cowboy hat is a good thing + even coming to your defense in both pieces. Oh and if I could fuck myself... I'd be hitting on Oprah, bitch.
When you do wear the hat it looks kinda like you should be in Pantera. Maybe just the cowboy thing...

And you should make sure you get full medical benefits in any contract. Just something that artists deserve. almost any other respectable occupation gets them, you guys certainly should. maybe it will set a new standard. hopefull it will do something good.