Who downloads/who does'nt


Jan 4, 2008
Shithouse, Tasmania
I'm not sure if this thread has been done before but I thought a thread about this would be interesting.Since I made the choice a long time ago not to download.I suppose it's a choice based on two factors:firstly,that i'd rather read numerous reviews about an album and puchase it without having heard it first,based on the quality of the reviews and whether I feel that the reviewer and I have compatible music tastes.If I feel an album is worthy of purchase then i'd rather wait until it arrives in my mailbox,as it gives you something to look forward to aswell as actually owning a phsyical copy.
The second factor is that i'd rather support the artists who are making music that I appreciate,what are you guy's thought on this?
I only download albums, which you can no-longer get anywhere. If the album I want is purchasable, I'll buy it (unless it's only buyable on eBay with a 500$ price-tag or something). Simple as that.

EDIT: Reasons:

- to support the artist/label
- for sake of collecting/owning a physical copy
- a lot of downloadable albums are of shitty quality
- the feeling of buying a new album you haven't heard and listening it on your cd-player
^ I agree...

Frankly, I think writing and performing even bad music is somewhat impressive and so they deserve to be paid for it.
I suppose it's a choice based on two factors:firstly,that i'd rather read numerous reviews about an album and puchase it without having heard it first,based on the quality of the reviews and whether I feel that the reviewer and I have compatible music tastes.If I feel an album is worthy of purchase then i'd rather wait until it arrives in my mailbox,as it gives you something to look forward to aswell as actually owning a phsyical copy.
The second factor is that i'd rather support the artists who are making music that I appreciate,what are you guy's thought on this?

Hey Mate, nice thread!

Yeah, I agree with your two factors. I just don't download and love collecting the cd's / dvd's. Reading a lot of reviews helps building the wishlist.

Anyway, I respect those who decide to download, many reasons lead to that.
I used to only buy albums and never download, but with college I can't afford to buy very often so I download. I'd one day like to own all the ones I download because I like having a physical music collection.
Due to money being precious these days, I download. But everything I download, I eventually replace with a bought copy. Releases from my favourite bands I buy when first available.
Download the stuff I can't get buy the stuff I can get. I justify this because the artist and record label see none of the money, and if it's a rare album that goes up to 40 bucks then the seller gets all the money.

Or if I see a vinyl release in the near future and don't have the patience to wait I'll download the album and the vinyl when it's released.
Any more, I download (or even just youtube a couple tracks) an album to give it a listen, if I like it, I'll try to find a copy. If i dont, I just delete it.
I strongly prefer to have physical copies of albums that I like, but I do download sometimes. The way I justify it to myself is that what I have on my hard drive is stuff that I will buy at some point anyway, which means that I don't download anything unless I feel like I'm reasonably sure beforehand that it's something I'd want to buy (I do this by checking out a couple songs on youtube and reading reviews from people's whose opinions I respect.) It's not a perfect method, because sometimes I end up with stuff I don't want and end up deleting it, so that's at least a bit ethically questionable. What I don't understand are people who have shitloads of illegally downloaded stuff and do not care to buy anything ever. As long as recording takes money and time, that is pretty questionable.
Youtube and CDs for me. I've downloaded in the past but only for a brief period of time.
Everything I have is digital. The only physical copy of anything I have is Death Magnetic or some shit. I just don't have the money to pay $10 an album just to find out I don't like it that much after a few listens. Maybe once I have a job or something, I'll start a vinyl collection, but for now it's download all the way.
I try and buy albums but I dont have a job and im going to college. I buy what I can. I try not to download music but there are some albums that I know ill purchase in the near future so its just so I can listen to it sooner I guess. The only case where I think downloading is totally cool is when something is out of print or just not selling for less than like 75 bucks
I download almost everything at first to try and see if I like it. If I like it I buy it. Basically I trust very few bands so much that I automatically buy their newest album without having heard it beforehand. I prefer to know what Im buying.
I download quite a bit. But I buy also, when I have money (which is rare but meh); my CD collection at this point is growing, it's nearing ~80 CDs by now.
With new releases, or albums I am looking forward to hearing, I will buy without downloading or hearing any more than 30-second samples. Why spoil everything? For a few years I had no access to downloading and I obtained music this way, and I look back at all of the fond memories I had doing this. Buying a new album, and playing it for the first time is an experience that is priceless. Downloading a bunch of files and playing them on a computer just isn't the same.

However, I use downloading sometimes as a tool to explore what is out there rather than take a chance on buying something that I'm not sure if I will like. Basically with bands I'm not familiar with. Like, when someone recommends me an album, or even perhaps if an album I'm interested in is really rare and expensive to buy, it's best not to take a chance. If I like the music enough I will buy the album.

I'd love to say that I try my best to support the artists/labels but because I buy a lot of used CDs, this isn't the case. If labels would simply reissue an album when it goes out of print I wouldn't mind buying reissues. But I dislike it when artwork is altered, and I hate it when albums are "remastered." For these reasons, I will buy the originals any opportunity I get and as a result they lose out on my purchase.
I download in Japan because I don't want to have to deal with shipping it home.

At home I basically do what Draele does.
Most people already know most of what I would have to say here, so I'll just say that the only type of downloading that I really object to, as though it mattered, is downloading albums that are in print and listening to them semi-regularly with no intent whatsoever to buy it eventually.