Who else feels the 70's prog thing when listening to Deliverance?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I fucking swear I feel it... it's the 70's thing. It's hard to pinpoint, but it's there.

Anyone else feel this way?

Also, there's the underground melancholy going on, something that I heard also on Katatonia - Brave Murder Day.

Is it just me or do any of you know what I'm saying?
It sometimes feels like something you'd hear some band playing in a dark weird jazz club. The quiet parts, mainly.
Not sure if its a 70's prog thing, but I definately hear some background guitar layers...especially in 'A fair Judgement' and even in Wreath and Deliverance at times. It kind of sounds like level, waling riff...akin to 'Blackwater Park'. Anyways, I like it...and am looking forward to more on Damnation
Originally posted by Moonlapse
Yeah I definately get that 70's feeling on the more slowed down mellower psychadelic sections of the album.

Yes that's what I was referring to - the psychedelic thing. It's there. The 70's prog feel.

Glad some people feel the same way.
There is some trippy all cymbal drumming in those sections too that just sounds like rain drops and that just emanates 'psychadelia' to me... it's actually the first thing I noticed when I listened to Deliverance.
when i saw the booklet for BWP and saw what the guys looked like i thought that they were like a hippy band....totally wrong though, other than that i cant say i get that 70's feeling
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral
There is something different about the textures, it reminds me of king crimson in places i agree. Not sure why tho.

OpethianSoul's brother made this exact comment while listening to it. If anyone could possibly expand upon this I'd be delighted. :)
I always felt there was sort of a Pink Floydish vibe on a few of the slower parts on the album...and that's a good thing imo :D