Who else fell down the stairs?


Mar 15, 2003
Oriole, MD
Visit site
I thought something was going to be done about the stairs and their visibility this year. I fell last year and again this year on the same set of stairs. Unfortunately, Andy Kuntz of VandenPlas was not around to catch me this time.
I took a tumble as well...and go figure it was the night I was wear sneakers too! Here I am stumbling on the landing thinking...sheesh anyone who caught that moment of grace must surely think I'm tanked! and I wasn't!

I can go one better: I damn near fell UP the stairs. On one of the side stairways, which I was using because they run straight without corners, hence easier to navigate, no? -- but they have that longer step, which I forgot about.


It probably looked like something from Monty Python's Ministry of Silly-Walks.:hotjump: :grin:
I took a nasty fall last year so I was super cautious this year. I thought for sure I busted both knee cap's. I was surprised that nothing had been done about the stairs this year. I did find that using the side stairs for going to the floor worked much better....less traffic.

The only trouble I had was them letting people sit on the stairs. I almost took myself and the person sitting out one night. Not a cool place to park it.
I agree about people sitting on the stairs. I didn't fall, but almost took a header when my heel got caught on a step, and there were plenty of times that I had to lean on one of the stair-sitters just to get by them.
2nd time back to my seat along the aisle. My foot dropped down to the step below causing me to lose my balance and teeter on the edge of falling on and spilling my beer on the person in the seat in front of me.....BUT.....no fall....and not a drop of beer lost. :goggly:
I missed the last step when I was going to the floor and had what ice was left out of my drink land on me and some other person and my camera in hand accidentally hit her in the head. Soooooooo sorry. I felt bad. I noticed towards the end of the show Saturday between bands they turned the house lights on.
Wishmaster said:
That longer step gets me every year. :loco:

The really anoying thing is that I remembered the longer step was there, but thought it was one more step up. Ooops.

No harm, no foul...but some folks seated nearby who saw it got a chuckle out of it. "Thank you! I'll be here 'til Thursday! Try the veal!"