I just fell down the stairs

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
...and it sucked!

My house has two floors and like every house here, all the stairs are made of solid marble. Got halfway down wearing socks and I slipped and fell the other half. It was fucking funny as hell, even though it sucked. I wish I coulda gotten it on camera.

Everything's ok...just a few bruises.
you were pushed by space robots protecting you from the terrible secret of space
I dunno. I think they planted something on the ground in front of me because when I slipped, I fell backwards and of course, stupidly, I tried to catch myself instinctively with my elbows, so I just kinda skidded on my ass the rest of the way down the stairs. It really was kinda funny, although my elbows are kinda sore and so is my back.

I had my cellphone in my hand, sending a message, and down I went. It's a conspiracy. They purposely distracted me.

Seriously, it was like something out of the Three Stooges or something.
I'm just happy elbows and knees are there to take most of the serious blows. Some cleaners had an ultra wet floor in Turkey when I was going through the hotel lobby and I fell like a maniac. Luckily I fell on my shoulders and elbows since it was a solid hard floor. I went around swearing at their stupidity for a while though since I broke one of the drink glasses I just bought.
You were tripped by a ninja.
Give me my $5 or next time it'll be stairs at a mountain buddhist sanctuary.
Marble is really cheap here, so many houses use marble for counter tops, stairs, floors, etc. My upstairs floor is solid marble.
Owie! I slipped on a flight of hardwood stairs back in February and broke my ass on the way down. The comedians at the hospital gave me a pain shot and put a bugs bunny band-aid on my broken butt and sent me home with instructions to elevate and ice the affected area for 3 - 4 days. I'm glad all you got was bruises. Broken things suck and marble is really really solid. That could have been ugly. How's the cell phone doing after it's tumble?