Who here has seen Evegrey live

:muahaha: Jag tog en massa kort..... men tyvärr blev alla utom 4 st vattenskadade...:waah: Grabbarna var så j... schyssta och ställde verkligen upp.... så JÄVLAR!!!

I have sort of an hate love thing for theese "smilies"... I hate them but can't resist them.....
That realy sucks big time!
I could, if my pictures will be good, scan them into my computer and then send then to you?;)

I think I'm gonna make some sort of plastic-bag that you can put over your camera if it starts to rain, because who the fuck buys a new water-prof camera just to be able to take a few pictures?

I find these smilies pretty good, an example is when you are ironic and then put a smily behind, show how ironic you are...and no missunderstandings will be made;)
:muahaha: I would be So So glad to see Your pictures!!!!! And that bout the plastic bag - You are my hero!=) I hope you were able to save some pictures! Next Skellefteå trip will be "Trästocksfestivalen" and Nocturnal Rites... But thats not quite the same.....

:hotjump: "I just love This guy"... Have a Grrrreat Festival Summer and please - Stay Grey!!!
I will send in the negatives as fast as I can, and then see how many pictures that turns out to be good;)

Yeah, I'll come to "Trästock". By the way, I saw Nocturnal Rites last year...not my kind of music, don't know if I will see now..it depends on what else i can do instead:p

I saw The Haunted last year when I visited Skellefteå Festivalen, and the pictures from that gig was taken with a shitty "engångs kamera" so there was only one good picture from the whole gig:mad:

The same to you, maybe we'll meet up sometime, somewhere in some sort of event?:)
Maybee at Piteå Dansar Och Ler!! Edguy, Morifade, Sonata Arctica and some Great local bands... And of course all the Beer Tents!!=)

Man, I just love summertimes!!!
Originally posted by Lise
Maybee at Piteå Dansar Och Ler!! Edguy, Morifade, Sonata Arctica and some Great local bands... And of course all the Beer Tents!!=)

Man, I just love summertimes!!!

Yeah, maybe...I will have to decide if I'm going or not...I'll let you now!

But beer tents, I'm only 17:yell: :cry:
I have seen them at Graspop 2002. Sadly they were the very first band to play and didn't get the attention they deserve...and they just played for about 30 minutes I think...Their show was the second best on this weekend, Dream Theater were my favourites (but hey; they had 75 minutes to play, so it's just not fair to compare).
I'm really looking forward to see Evergrey doing a headline show in Germany, that would be very awesome.
Yeah, seen them at PP europe in '99 and left the venue after 2 or 3 songs due to the bad sound and the fact it was dinertime, heh.

Saw them again at PP europe 2000 at the preparty on Friday. It took them less than 2 minutes to convince me that i really had missed a great gig back in '99. Tom knows the story as off this point.

I'm a big EG fan since that moment. Seen them also at PP 1 in the USA and as supporting act of Therion. Sadly had to miss them at their short tour in Holland a couple of months back and at the festivals these months.

I'm pretty sure i'll see them on stage again soon again

I have seen them live once, back in 2000, together
with Susperia, Gamma Ray and Spiral Architect.
Evergrey ruled that evening, the same did SA.

The place was Rockefeller in Oslo.

I also went to oslo a few months ago to see Therion, My Insanity
and (mainly) Evergrey... guess which band cancelled? Never got
an explonation.
Originally posted by Collapse Generation
I also went to oslo a few months ago to see Therion, My Insanity
and (mainly) Evergrey... guess which band cancelled? Never got
an explonation.

Actually, I think it was something like this (though
I think Silke is able to explain this better): Evergrey
had never planned to follow Therion on their tour-
dates in Scandinavia. It wasn't a real cancellation
as they had no idea they were actually going to
play there for a while! hehe... It was the people
booking the shows who made a mistake, am I right
on this?

Well, I'm still waiting for Evergrey to come play in
Norway as a headliner >:o)