Who here hates dream theater with a vengeance

Dream Theater are -

  • A travesty of human nature

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • Bent

    Votes: 13 39.4%

  • Total voters
Two words:




Playing 64th notes all day long must get boring.. but John Myung is an incredible bassist (and Portnoy's great too)


Strong Bad kicks ass.
Who else hates people who post DT-bashing threads with a vengeance? :) That said, my main problem with them would be the fact that their technicality does occasionally obscure the fact that they have not made any real progression in their music since Awake or Infinity...
I hate "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance"... one of the worst albums I have ever spent money on... but I still love their previous output.
I like Dream Theater. Not as much as I did a year ago when they were one of my favorite bands, but I still do. Although I won't deny that 6 Degrees wasn't very good (the song itself is a piece of crap), they've done some really good stuff, especially Awake and A Change of Seasons. Jordan Rudess sucks though. God I despise him.
Neurotomania said:
I've seen them twice and they sucked.

I already thought you were an idiot for posting this thread on the Opeth forum. Alright you dislike them, great and good for you. Why does everyone on the Opeth official forum have to read this bullshit?

Secondly, if you have such a hatred for this band, why spend money twice to see them?, even though they suck?. Its not like they ever play a short set either, you must have been dying through their 90-180 minute set man haha. Thus, in conclusion, you are a bigger idiot.

Its alright to have an opinion, but why is it necessary for everyone to know about it on the fucking Opeth forum?.

And why does your name have a strange resemblence to Erotomania :D
thebleakaffinity said:
I like Dream Theater. Not as much as I did a year ago when they were one of my favorite bands, but I still do. Although I won't deny that 6 Degrees wasn't very good (the song itself is a piece of crap), they've done some really good stuff, especially Awake and A Change of Seasons. Jordan Rudess sucks though. God I despise him.

i LOVE 6doit, its an incredible album!
I don't like six degrees either but ou gotta admit ProgMetalFan.. The Glass Prison is an amazing song!

I like DT a lot. The only time I don't like the vocals is during the soft songs... i don't like their soft songs.. too artsy. :) Anyways you guys must not be listening to the right songs if you don't think they can write good songs. A CHANGE OF SEASONS... THE GLASS PRISON.. THE MIRROR... EROTOMANIA... god damn these songs are great. And not just technically great (the mirror isn't even impressive technically) but so much emotion and catchiness.

And for all you that don't like them just because of the vocals.. listen to Liquid Tension Experiment.. just like but DT without the vocals.

i pity these people.
I like them, not love them ro anything. They're hardly the best band in the world, but not too bad.