Who here hates dream theater with a vengeance

Dream Theater are -

  • A travesty of human nature

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • Bent

    Votes: 13 39.4%

  • Total voters
Yeah they suck. I had heard all this good stuff about them but when I heard a song of theirs it sounded like some guy with worst nasil congestion ever singing over the Reading Rainbow theme. From what I heard it lacked all emoition too. I don't care how talented you are you have to have some emoition or at least a knack for writing good music behind it. They have neither.
You've listened to the wrong songs then.. listen to the ones I listed.. his vocals don't even bother me anymore.. you get used to them.. they're actually technically "good" vocals.. but when I heard my first DT song I did think it was a girl singing
I think some people jump on the DT bashing bandwagon and never really have given them a chance. They DO write catchy tunes... and some of them do have a decent amount of emotion... granted not the melancholy emotion (besides Space Dye Vest) but they get groovy... and fuck... why does everyone make the technically impressive side of things seem like a bad thing? If ANY of those people who bash them for that are into brutal death... they must think about things a bit..
I was completely obsessed with DT for most of last year but recently I just can't get into there music anymore. A Change of Seasons is a brilliant song but a lot of their other songs do suck in my opinion. Some of there other good songs are Learning to live, Scarred, 6:00, Finally free, Fatal Tragedy, Hells kitchen. These tracks are all brilliant, its just a pity they write so much crap along with it like the entire 6 degrees album.
Dream Theater has their charms, but wankery only goes so far. But as far as wankery goes, I do prefer Liquid Tension Experiment. At least they're wankery without all the faggotry.
"If you think DT can't write music, you haven't heard the right songs" seems to always be the answer. But if they really were good song-writers, this should be reflected in most of their songs.
I love Dream Theater!!! Been into them for almost 14 yrs (since 1st album & "Geddy Lee"-voiced debut..LOL). Seen 'em 9x soon to be 10. Member of fan club for nice annual cd goodies! Great band.

FYI: The reason I even heard of and therefore got into Opeth was the DT board last Sept when a couple of people mentioned Opeth...I decided to check 'em out and I am now an Opeth worshipper ,going to see Opeth for 2nd time...tonight at Birch Hill in NJ. See some of you guys there tonite.