Who here hates dream theater with a vengeance

Dream Theater are -

  • A travesty of human nature

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • Bent

    Votes: 13 39.4%

  • Total voters
The short songs that Dream Theater play are usually fine, but the really long ones just bore. Especially the ones that have that childish keyboard sound in 'm. Opeth can truly amaze in their songs, no matter what the lenght. Apart from that every note they play is relevant and in no way 'Gallery Play' or filler.
But if people like Dream Theater, let them... But don't play it when I'm around! Ha!
Yes, you already said that in the previous page, along with Pink Floyd, so first of all we're not on the subject anymore and second of all it's not a sin to hate the Beatles but any intelligent person has to admire what they did with music. There wouldn't be anything now without the Beatles. We'd still be listening to Buddy Rich and whatever's left of the Chordettes.
Neurotomania said:
if anyone likes them, go post in another thread.

First off, don't tell me where to go post. You are not a moderator here. OK?

Now, all I can say about DT is that I love their stuff, although it did take me a while to get into them. After first listen of "Images and Words", I thought what a piece of shit, and tossed it in a pile of stuff that I keep in my room, where it's been for several years... Then I heard "scenes from a memory" one day, and it changed it all for me, I'm a big fan since.

Just like any other prog metal band (including Symphony X and Opeth) they are an aquired taste and don't register on a first listen.

If you don't like them, it's fine with me. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you to reconsider.

I'll just ask you one question... How many bands do you know that can play completely different sets on 2 consecutive nights? (Hint: not Opeth :lol: ) Or cover an Iron Maiden or a Metallica classic album to perfection, int its entirety, in a live show?

I went to the show before the iron maiden show. I saw them before on the opening night of the tour and they were really bad, but they were good when we saw them in london, apart from james who just sounded bad for most of it. Wow this threads gotten quite huge. I don't actually hate the beatles (or pink floyd, or dream theater) I'm trying to goad you all into retorting to keep this thread alive :)

dream theater are alright I suppose. I just don't like how the whole point of the band is that they're good musicians, when really they're not particularly outstanding - the point of a musician is to write good songs, not play hard songs. They have a few cool songs (mostly the instrumentals) but james kills it for me - even when I digged them I thought he sucked. They should get sebastian bach :D
I used to love them, and be obsessed with them...Then one day I woke up and realized everything that they have ever done is just wankery, faggotry, coupled with terrible lyrics, terrible vocals, and terrible songwriting. I DO still like FII, on occasion that gets played along with some tracks here and there of off SFAM. I think its cuz I started getting into REAL music, with REAL dynamics and real songwriting, and REAL meaning behind their music. Give me Mayhem's Chainsaw gutfuck over any DT album anyday.

I still love Petrucci as a guitar player, and he still influences me mucho. Alot of times i iwsh theyd stuff labrie's head into the damn bass drum and just be instrumental ala Mahavishnu Orchestra. I dunno I started getting into REAL progressive rock too, King Crimson, Voivod, YES, Camel etc etc. DT pales in comparsion, faggotry and wankery with cheezy ass songs with no purpose.

I always loved dearly the Liquid Tension stuff, untill I heard from some people who know the engineers upstate who worked on the album. From what I hear the entire album was cut and paste, pro tooled the high hell. Nothing is actual performance on that album, and from what I hear, the guys were all dicks, and tony levin couldnt stand them. Doesnt suprise me, Portnoy and Petrucci can be MAJOR cockrags when they want to be.
That may have sounded too harsh...There are SOME good DT songs, maybe 10% of stuff they have done is really well thought out and good...The other 90% is just well...Yeah.

GOOD new prog music thatll kick DTs ass ANYDAY = Pain of Salvation. Now thats some fucking good ass songwriting/musicianship.
Ive always regarded Symphony X as a power metal band. Theres not enough experimentation in their music for me to call it progressive. IMO (and all of you will disagree, and thats ok) I think they are just a really good power metal band (yes comming from me thats an oxymoron).
Power metal is completely bent with 2 exceptions, lost horizon (slightly bent but sooo bent they're funny) and iced earth, who are just heavy enough that they're not bent despite the power metal influence