Who Here Was Born Before 1986?

I just hope my daughter doesn't get into those "Bratz" dolls, those are the ugliest things I've ever seen.

No kidding. The smaller ones look even more like little sluts. I hated corporations even way back then, but how people do not see the obviously disgusting tactics they use these days is amazing. They get richer and we get dumber; we are nearing the end my friends.

I do miss the days when computers were not the main thing, or those stupid cell phones. I think I answer the regular phone like once a month if they are lucky.

I started listening to tapes, but I had a few records at first, just before they went obsolete; what is odd is not only did the younger ones start with CDs, but they now rely on computer files. People have lost entire collections that way. No thanks.
Wow, nice thread and good post. It really took me back, to those good old nostalgic moments of my childhood. Haha, everything you have referred to in your post was pretty much the same with me, only I had all of that during the eighties. Actually, early nineties were fairly innocent as well -- I was born in '82.

It's true, things just aren't the same as they used to be. I sometimes find myself lost in thought just wondering what it'd be like to just, I don't know, turn back time and relive those moments for one more second hehe. Those were some rather good times. Actually, in fact, I'm happy to say I was fortunate to have had a wonderful childhood, which can't be said for many out there.

I believe the beginning of the new millenium, or close to it anyway, was where things have begun to go dreadfully wrong. I don't know man, just some of the shit you see on TV is downright crazy. I'd NEVER imagine seeing all the sex, drugs, violence etc back in my youth (i mean shit, a Christina Aguilera video back in the day would be considered x-rated most-likely, and now youngsters are watching this on tv regularly; influenced by all this thinking it's cool and all). But then again, I can't say I remember spending much time with the television hehe, so who knows what was really going on. All I do remember, based on my personal experience, is that things definitely seemed more, I don't know - normal? At least when I was growing up.

Eh, this topic really got me thinking, :lol: so I apologize for the lengthy post. But I do share the original posters sentiments.
Well, here we go...eh...I´m 4 years younger than Tom Araya, Henry Rollins and Dave Wyndorf but 6 years older than Jeff Loomis. In other words - close to death. On the other hand, a complete newborn then it comes to computers.:blush: With a sort of peculiar mathetamics that might make me about 191/2 years old :heh: Old enough to call myself a senior member? (And not enough: I´ve been "snooping" around these pages now for a couple of weeks, feeling like a criminal voyager, watching the youngsters not "daring" to take part. But here I am now!). Seriously - how fun is it entering a gig with one of your (half)lifetime favourites just to notice that the audience mainly consists of sixteenyearolds who thinks YOU are to OLD to be there! HEY - what about the guys on stage you´ve come for?!?:lol:
Maybe my first and last appearence here, feel a bit frail and weak :rolleyes:
(Gosh! these smileys are really fun to use,hehe!)
Born in 1982... Really miss those days... No slutty dolls, and the fashion where not to bad.. Loved the hair.. :lol:
And not to mention those kidprograms on tv..

I have a daughter that is 3 years now and the kidprograms now adays is.... what to say... to childish and stupid.. Its not like the moral in like my little pony or carebears.. Its just grownups running around being idiotic and childish.. For a few days ago my daughter started crying when she looked at the kidprograms and she said to me - that`s not tv for me, it`s stupid.
And she`s 3 years old...:yow:

Other things i miss about the 80`s is the music... I guess there are no need to say more about that..