Who is gonna see Star Wars Episode 2?

I saw that in one of the biggest Danish newspapers I got 5 stars out of 6, even though the story was lame and hollow. I also was told that in some other newspaper they said that Joda was the best actor in the film!
Of course reviews doesn't matter shit to me, as it's my own opinion that counts. If it gets 5 stars in that newspaper I'm not gonna give it 5 stars if I think it sucks! As I said I haven't any big expectations for it, as I think Episode 1 was miserable and my guees is that the new one is as well.
Originally posted by SculptedCold

I mean....cummon....If the original trilogy did without it...so could this one.

It did? I think e.g. C-3PO and Han Solo had "humorous" one-liners all the time. Han not so much though.

But I have to admit that some of the humour in the new movie is pretty stupid and unnecessary. Ep. III should be unfunny, Lucas has said it will be pretty dark and sad, as it should be, considering what ís expected to happen in it.
Originally posted by Board
I saw that in one of the biggest Danish newspapers I got 5 stars out of 6, even though the story was lame and hollow. I also was told that in some other newspaper they said that Joda was the best actor in the film!
Of course reviews doesn't matter shit to me, as it's my own opinion that counts. If it gets 5 stars in that newspaper I'm not gonna give it 5 stars if I think it sucks! As I said I haven't any big expectations for it, as I think Episode 1 was miserable and my guees is that the new one is as well.

Ej! hvad fanden snakker du om? Den film er 1000 gange bedre en ep1. Du SKAL se den, den er det værd...Det er en af de bedste film nogensinde

[sry, for not speaking english :P]
Originally posted by HauritZ

Ej! hvad fanden snakker du om? Den film er 1000 gange bedre en ep1. Du SKAL se den, den er det værd...Det er en af de bedste film nogensinde

[sry, for not speaking english :P]

Hah. I understood that and I don't even speak danish.... :grin: (ok, I'm not sure about "fanden" and "snakker") Hmm... I guess learning swedish had its good sides.
Jeg tvivler på at jeg vil kunne lide den, desværre. En gut jeg kender som jeg for det meste har samme filmsmag som sagde at den ikke var noget specielt. Flotte effekter, men elendig handling! Jeg kommer nok til at se den på et eller andet tidspunkt, men jeg foretrækker noget lidt dybere i en film, fremfor action, slåskampe og effekter. Jeg hader Van Damme og jeg tror aldrig jeg vil se en film der kan blive ringere end "Street fighter". Tjeck hvad jeg skrev under "Elephant man" posten.
(sry, for not speaking english too)