Who is the worst singer in metal?

James LaBrie the worst singer in metal?

In his later stuff, maybe not the best, but certainly not the worst. In fact, on his stuff from Images and Words, I think he has THE BEST voice of any other band.

Worst singer... hm... Anyone who sings death metal... (in flames, soilwork, opeth, children of bodem).

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Kronikle66 said:
Worst singer... hm... Anyone who sings death metal... (in flames, soilwork, opeth, children of bodem). That's not even singing... hell, when I have a cold I can do that.

Get a clue. Doing what those vocalists do (specially on a live set) is way harder to do than what most standard metal singers do. Try singing Soilwork's Needlefeast all the way through when you have a cold, I bet your balls will fall off singing it:tickled: oh and btw, no one beats Dave Mustaine on my books.
Kronikle66 said:
Worst singer... hm... Anyone who sings death metal... (in flames, soilwork, opeth, children of bodem). That's not even singing... hell, when I have a cold I can do that.
Mike from Opeth actually has a beautiful clean voice too...hes more than just a death metal growler, so never call him the worst singer!:hotjump::p
Kronikle66 said:
=\ Growling is not hard at all. And I can't believe anyone likes that stuff. I mean... yeah cookie monster lol. That's what they sound like.

You seem to know a lot about singing, don't you? lol. Speed (Soilwork's vocalist) doesn't even growl (on the early stuff) those are screams. On any case, the hardest part is to change from screams or growls to clean vocals successfully on a live situation. Maybe you should inform yourself a little bit more before talking about something that you know shit about.
i agree with shreddi about mikhael.

i think it depends on the reason for the growling or screaming.. if theres no reason for it except the dude cant sing for shit then eehh, not my thing. but it depends. sometimes the music just calls for that style to be done.

if everyone remembers not so long ago when i was still a 'newbie' to different layers of metal, i couldnt stand black and death vox. i didnt think it was singing either. but opeth converted me on that one, and I must say I'm very grateful.

the hardest part is to change from screams or growls to clean vocals successfully on a live situation.
Man who can do that? That would be awesome to listen to.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Get a clue. Doing what those vocalists do (specially on a live set) is way harder to do than what most standard metal singers do. Try singing Soilwork's Needlefeast all the way through when you have a cold, I bet your balls will fall off singing it:tickled: oh and btw, no one beats Dave Mustaine on my books.

This is VERY true. Its just as hard, if not harder, to be a GOOD harsh vocalist. I know, because Im trying to learn how to do it :). Saying its easy and anyone can pull it off is like saying its easy to do a high pitched powermetal scream just cause you know how to do falsetto. It takes talent to do both, unfortunately, those who don't know anything about death and/or blackmetal type vocals seem to think otherwise :p.

PS - its Children of BodOm, and they aren't death metal either (to whoever said that)...
Yeah, most death metal vocals suck, but there are some GREAT bands that do it.... it's fuckin' hard man. I'd like to see you try with a cold... that's such ignorant bullshit.

As for the comment about "i can't believe anyone likes [death metal vox]", that's also bullshit. I mean, if you don't like them, fine. I don't especially like dream theater or any "real" prog for that matter. I think it's shit personally, but i'm not gonna be like "Oh my god, who the hell would like this??". It's different tastes bro... not cool to bash it just because it isn't your thing.
For a long time, I have been differentiating between a good SINGER and a good VOCALIST. And I'm not really placing a value judgment into the categorization either. A person doesn't have to be a great singer to be a great vocalist. Seriously, black/death vocalists (with some exceptions, of course) aren't really singers (in the standard sense of the word), but a lot of them are great vocalists. In other words, what they do with their voices is difficult to do, and is what is appropriate for the music. To call them "singers" would be to stretch the meaning of the word quite a bit (and in some cases to change it completely), but different music requires different vocals, sometimes singing, and sometimes screaming, and sometimes growling. People that excel at ALL of them, well, they're the Truly Great Ones.
SilentRealm said:
Man who can do that? That would be awesome to listen to.

Check out a band called The Black Dahlia Murder.. I heard the cd, which had both screams and growls, switching around all the time. I thought the band had two singers, but when I saw them live, it turned out that it was just one guy. Pretty cool band. Well.. no clean vocals though.
Wow, you all can say who you think has the worst singing but I state my opinion and get flamed.



EDIT: Here, since you all can't stand my opinion, I'll make a new one. I think that the first Symphony X singer was the worst signer in metal.
Kronikle66 said:
Wow, you all can say who you think has the worst singing but I state my opinion and get flamed.



EDIT: Here, since you all can't stand my opinion, I'll make a new one. I think that the first Symphony X singer was the worst signer in metal.

It wasn't that we care if you like harsh vocals, but you denounced them as "talentless" which is certainly not true...
I disagree.

It's like saying if something is hard. One person might say thing A is hard but thing B is easy as hell while another person might say thing A is easy as hell and thing B is hard. It's not a matter of "it's easy or it's not easy" it's a matter of opinion how easy the person thinks it is. Like my thoughts on death metal. Some may say it takes alot of talent I say it doesn't take much at all.

Get it now?

Hyoukinmono said:
For a long time, I have been differentiating between a good SINGER and a good VOCALIST. And I'm not really placing a value judgment into the categorization either. A person doesn't have to be a great singer to be a great vocalist. Seriously, black/death vocalists (with some exceptions, of course) aren't really singers (in the standard sense of the word), but a lot of them are great vocalists. In other words, what they do with their voices is difficult to do, and is what is appropriate for the music. To call them "singers" would be to stretch the meaning of the word quite a bit (and in some cases to change it completely), but different music requires different vocals, sometimes singing, and sometimes screaming, and sometimes growling. People that excel at ALL of them, well, they're the Truly Great Ones.
So true, cheers man.

I disagree.

It's like saying if something is hard. One person might say thing A is hard but thing B is easy as hell while another person might say thing A is easy as hell and thing B is hard. It's not a matter of "it's easy or it's not easy" it's a matter of opinion how easy the person thinks it is. Like my thoughts on death metal. Some may say it takes alot of talent I say it doesn't take much at all.
You should learn that all opinions don't hold the same weight, and also to project your opinions in a more respectful manner. I'm a singer (and vocalist) myself and i'm pretty sure that I know what i'm talking about, and to say that death metal doesn't take a lot of talent is absolutely ludicrous. Like I said, inform yourself a little bit more (or try to do it by yourself) before making assumptions that are absolutely not true.

Man who can do that? That would be awesome to listen to.
A lot of bands can pull off those changes on record quite well, but I can't recall any that can do it live in a decent way :lol: It's pretty hard I tell ya to maintain the pitch of your vocals when you have to change from growls to clean vocals in a matter of seconds.