Who is the youngest on this board?

Actually, I think I'm second youngest, borne to this world on the eighteenth day, of the eight month, of the calender year of nineteen eighty-six.

There was something at the age of fourten standard years, I believe.
Jesus. No wonder i fight like crazy with you, Sullen Jester. 14?? man that's young, no offence!!

What's the bet that in a few years, you drop all the nu-metal and hardcore crap that you listen to...! You'll learn, but only in time.
Sullen Jester is the most mature 14 year old I've ever met.

I was listening to Sepultura and Pantera, thinking that was the heaviest music in existence.

But I wasn't writing great poetry, neither did I have such good comunication skills, nor was I as educated.

I'm actually quite jealous. I spose it serves me right for living in the country.
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Actually, I think I'm second youngest, borne to this world on the eighteenth day, of the eight month, of the calender year of nineteen eighty-six.

There was something at the age of fourten standard years, I believe.

wth? if you were born on the 18th of august, 1986 then that makes you 15:confused:
In the age thread a while back, I just about fell out of my chair when I read that Sullen Jester is 14. Damn, if I had been that informed when I was 14, I would've been forced to pull a Columbine. I mean, shit, I think my college-educated peers are stupid now -- just THINK about them as 14-year-olds! :mad:
Originally posted by Oyo
Does England get the sweet-ass 29 cent hamburgers on tuesday thing? I buy ten hamburgers, eat like four, and microwave the rest later as I become hungry.

nope, mainly as we dont have cents, and secondly well we dont have them cheap. lucky git. but in america people come to expect a lot, free refills, large portions of everyhting and well you'd probably feel ripped off here, according to surveys that is, and my experience from when i went over, not that anyone cares.