How Old is everyone on the board?

DarbysDad said:
I'll have a cold Budweiser at the show for you. So are they coming to your neck of the woods soon? :cool:

i dont kno its not up but maybe cause someone told me they heard a rumor that they were commin to lewiston...i would be wicked happy!!
pretty boring in Europe, they closed my friends bar/coffeshop in a drugbust, 2 weeks down and I/m on the other side of the Atlantic for the holidays/Mexico it is!!
I think a date with the lovely Kayla would be a great price!!To bad she's only 15 , maybe da Brat is intersted!!We need some ideas for he winners!!!
dutchy said:
pretty boring in Europe, they closed my friends bar/coffeshop in a drugbust, 2 weeks down and I/m on the other side of the Atlantic for the holidays/Mexico it is!!
I think a date with the lovely Kayla would be a great price!!To bad she's only 15 , maybe da Brat is intersted!!We need some ideas for he winners!!!
How's Mejico, Mexican food rules enjoy it. Too bad you couldn't get to some of Anthrax's California shows.

You gotta go with the da Brat, I guess. Unless we could back track to being 18 or 17 again then maybe Kayla.
It's hard to believe that Anthrax has been around since the early 80's and I'm one of the oldest guys on the board. I saw them open for Ozzy in Chicago in the late 80's before a lot of you you were born. God Damn I feel old. But I did make it on the Safe Home video, finally 15 years a fan and my wife and kids can see me in a video(Damn that's sad, am I pathetic or what?
Badatta2ud said:
It's hard to believe that Anthrax has been around since the early 80's and I'm one of the oldest guys on the board. I saw them open for Ozzy in Chicago in the late 80's before a lot of you you were born. God Damn I feel old. But I did make it on the Safe Home video, finally 15 years a fan and my wife and kids can see me in a video(Damn that's sad, am I pathetic or what?
S'not sad and pathetic, it's pretty cool! I made it on a live Alice Cooper broadcast from JLA in Detroit. It was released on tape and I snapped up a copy ASAFP!! BTW Badatta2ud, I am I am an elder on this board as well. :cool:
Badatta2ud said:
It's hard to believe that Anthrax has been around since the early 80's and I'm one of the oldest guys on the board. I saw them open for Ozzy in Chicago in the late 80's before a lot of you you were born. God Damn I feel old. But I did make it on the Safe Home video, finally 15 years a fan and my wife and kids can see me in a video(Damn that's sad, am I pathetic or what?
You're not old :) I'm 35 and saw the same tour. Lita Ford was also on the bill :Spin: Rock on \nn/__\nn/
Badatta2ud said:
It's hard to believe that Anthrax has been around since the early 80's and I'm one of the oldest guys on the board. I saw them open for Ozzy in Chicago in the late 80's before a lot of you you were born. God Damn I feel old. But I did make it on the Safe Home video, finally 15 years a fan and my wife and kids can see me in a video(Damn that's sad, am I pathetic or what?

At least you made it in the video.
I've been a huge fan since I was a teenager also. I'm 32.
Sucks when you get older. I now realize I'm to fragile for the pit.
Kind of like when old people get to old to drive!
Lordlindsey said:
At least you made it in the video.
I've been a huge fan since I was a teenager also. I'm 32.
Sucks when you get older. I now realize I'm to fragile for the pit.
Kind of like when old people get to old to drive!
LOL!!! I like that quote! :p
Lordlindsey said:
At least you made it in the video.
I've been a huge fan since I was a teenager also. I'm 32.
Sucks when you get older. I now realize I'm to fragile for the pit.
Kind of like when old people get to old to drive!

I will be 32 in December (19th to be exact) and I will be doing my best to be along the wall, front and center when Anthrax rolls through Madison. I can usually make it to at least a row or two of the wall. By the way, I always liked having my birthday so close to Christmas. I could have people combine presents for both of them, so I could get something more expensive than I would have goitten for either one individually.

I'm happy to say at 30 I still enjoy the occasional mosh pit, at least when there's no idiots in it. It used to be skinheads I hated. now I hate the little punks who think it's about hurting people. Little bastards need a slap upside the head.

Anyways, definitely getting old though. Next baby's due in 3 weeks and current one is approaching age 2. Where does the time go?
dutchy said:
pretty boring in Europe, they closed my friends bar/coffeshop in a drugbust, 2 weeks down and I/m on the other side of the Atlantic for the holidays/Mexico it is!!
I think a date with the lovely Kayla would be a great price!!To bad she's only 15 , maybe da Brat is intersted!!We need some ideas for he winners!!!

I envy you muthafukka, I wish I could go to Mexico as well! Puke only tequillas, screw hot chicks, call at Titty Twister! :lol:
Anyways, definitely getting old though. Next baby's due in 3 weeks and current one is approaching age 2. Where does the time go?
I hear ya there. My kid is going on 13! Thinking back about the crap that I used to pull when I was 13, scares the bajeebus out of me.

My son is the good kid. Better than I ever was. He's been bugging me to take him to the Anthrax show at Harpo's.

My daughter is 7, and she's the wild one. Fearless about anything. Loves to be the center of attention. Has always gotta look good. Ya know, the leader of her pack.

I gotta quit talking about this...I feel an ulcer coming on.:erk:

PS...Congrats on the soon to be new child. Hope everyone will be healthy. Cheers.