
nafnikufesin said:
A few friends of mine and I meet every Monday night and rate beers from around the world. Right now, our consensus #1 beer is Boddington's, out of 100 different brands that we've sat down and "analyzed".

If anyone cares to see our complete ratings to date, we keep them updated at including a weekly summary of the new beers tested.
before u give judgement at the next sitting see if u can get a round of victoria bitter,australia makes the best beer
Anheuser Busch shouldn't be allowed to call their products "beer." A couple of the Michelob "craft" beers are ok, but they are still cheap immitations of real beer. Coors comes the closest to making a good macro beer. I esp. like their Belgium White: BLUE MOON. Good stuff. In the winter I enjoy Guiness. In the summer Blue Moon or Dos Equis Amber. Any time of year Sam Adams. When I'm low on funds Coors Original. When I'm dieting Aspen Edge.
I like Pale ales, IPAs, Porters, Stouts, Samuel Adams, Harpoon, Miller Lite, Mickey's, Schlitz, Sierra Nevada, Ipswitch Ale, Rogue and Arrogant Bastard. I like just about any beer except Budweiser, Coors Banquet beer, Natural Ice, and Keystone Beer.
I don't hate all Budweiser, just basically Bud Light and the regular Bud. I do like Bud Ice, but I haven't had that in years.

Love Beer, Love Life, Harpoon. :D
TD said:
Anheuser Busch shouldn't be allowed to call their products "beer." A couple of the Michelob "craft" beers are ok, but they are still cheap immitations of real beer. Coors comes the closest to making a good macro beer. I esp. like their Belgium White: BLUE MOON. Good stuff. In the winter I enjoy Guiness. In the summer Blue Moon or Dos Equis Amber. Any time of year Sam Adams. When I'm low on funds Coors Original. When I'm dieting Aspen Edge.
I love you, man.

I agree with almost every word you typed there...
For example: "Any time of the year Sam Adams." Yep. That's my usual purchase.
I only drink Coors Original if I'm at someone's house, and that's all they've got left (after I've drank my BYOB).
If you can see light through the beer, it's not real beer. Unless an IPA and then it's alright to see through it. My uncle is a brewmaster at a brewery, and his beer rules. He has an ipa and a wry stout. The wry stout rules, it's so dark. has a lite beer he makes too, The Riehl Lite.
jdelpi said:
It's my understanding Foster's has little, if anything, to do with Australia. Just a clever marketing scheme.
I'm pretty sure Foster's is originally Australian--I just don't know how different it tastes in the U.S. vs. Australia. I think the Carlton and the Victoria Bitter are made by Foster's too.

I forgot about Sam Adams. I have really gotten into Sam the last 2 years. I pretty much like all their beers: summer ale, pale ale, lager, oktoberfest, spring ale, winter ale, and even the light.
TD said:
Anheuser Busch shouldn't be allowed to call their products "beer." A couple of the Michelob "craft" beers are ok, but they are still cheap immitations of real beer. Coors comes the closest to making a good macro beer. I esp. like their Belgium White: BLUE MOON. Good stuff. In the winter I enjoy Guiness. In the summer Blue Moon or Dos Equis Amber. Any time of year Sam Adams. When I'm low on funds Coors Original. When I'm dieting Aspen Edge.

haha your funny anheauser has the best fuckin beer deff not immitations!