How Old is everyone on the board?

Lordlindsey said:
I hear ya there. My kid is going on 13! Thinking back about the crap that I used to pull when I was 13, scares the bajeebus out of me.

My son is the good kid. Better than I ever was. He's been bugging me to take him to the Anthrax show at Harpo's.

My daughter is 7, and she's the wild one. Fearless about anything. Loves to be the center of attention. Has always gotta look good. Ya know, the leader of her pack.

I gotta quit talking about this...I feel an ulcer coming on.:erk:

PS...Congrats on the soon to be new child. Hope everyone will be healthy. Cheers.

Thank you--Maybr I'll post some pics after the birth
Kayla33 said:
I was actually wonderin whos the oldest and the youngest?? whats everyones age?

33 married, kid on way,electrical engineer. Waiting for Clash of the Titans 2 Slayer-Anthrax-Hatebreed-SJR. Please god let that happen
tattooedsean666 said:
heck with superjoint ritual, I would rather death angel be part of that!!!:hotjump:

I'm not a huge fan of SJR either. New album is ok but not phenomenal. I like Phil better with Pantera.

The dude sure has been frying his brain over the years though. Interviews with him of late seem really bad.

Slayer and Hatebreed are doing the Jagermeister tour together. i don't know what other bands are on that bill yet?!!
I think this thread shows Anthrax's current problem, most people seem to be 23-28 with only one or two teenagers.
the kids these days aren't getting into Anthrax and I put it down to the lack of coverage they get from the metal media, it certainly can't be their songs. Also the fact that kids these days have been lead to having crap taste by the media.

Really it's teenagers who buy most records and go to gigs as they don't have bills etc to worry about.

The thing is it means that Anthrax loses out in terms of sales and gig attendanxces, but also the youngsters miss out because they don't know about all this fine music!
DarbysDad said:
You're not old :) I'm 35 and saw the same tour. Lita Ford was also on the bill :Spin: Rock on \nn/__\nn/

um,... that was so long ago. was lita whored on the whole tour or just the long beach show ? and a couple days after l.b. was when thrax was kicked off the tour by sharon and replaced by,............ winger.