Who is the youngest on this board?

OMS are compared to RATM a lot.. political, rap-metal.. meh

Rap Metal = Nu Metal.

The two albums I feel are more technical and heavier, more thought-out than any Limp Bizkit album. I don't see how such a product can be associated with "nu-metal", if "nu-metal" consists of Limp Bizkit and the like.


Like i said, Rap 'Metal' = Nu 'Metal'.

Limp Bitkit and One Minutes Silence are both rap metal... and both nu-metal.

Trapped posted this idiotic comment

But there is one thing i agree with you on, Emperor is terrible.

Damn Straight.
I'm curious as to why Trapped thinks Emperor is terrible....

Also Empty is one of my favorite songs on Prometheus actually, that song is so amazing intense that it gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it.
like at about 3 1/2 minutes where Ihsahn sings: "Starving him into INSANITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" then that heavy riff, oh my I am getting goosebumps just thinking about. That is emotion there, I think so at least!
You're too young to understand, Sullen Jester. :rolleyes:

...by calling them 'brutal', do you liken them with Morbid Angel??

Morningrise: Not my cup 'o tea. I hate black metal, and i especially hate noise-black-metal like emperor.
Originally posted by Morningrise
I'm curious as to why Trapped thinks Emperor is terrible....

Also Empty is one of my favorite songs on Prometheus actually, that song is so amazing intense that it gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it.
like at about 3 1/2 minutes where Ihsahn sings: "Starving him into INSANITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" then that heavy riff, oh my I am getting goosebumps just thinking about. That is emotion there, I think so at least!

listen to Diamanda Galas and Nick Cave so you can see what real intensity is about.
I am not you, so i cannot tell you that.

I can only inform you of how superficial the bands you listen to are. Where is the musicianship? Where is the talent? Where is the thought, the philosphy, the emotion?


You tell me, what SHOULD you be listening?
To what interests me, to what intrigues me, to what I WANT, not what I'm told.

As should everyone else.

As for the bulk of your post, OMS is one of the most talented bands I've heard, (ugh!), one of the most technical. Every time I listen to BN...SL it's better every time, a new album each time. It just grows on me. Everytime I listen through, I'll notice "oh, he WASNT playing that note.. but how the hell does he get THAT one?" and I'll be able to determine what effects was used at this part, how much they can get out of their instruments and musical accesories, and most importantly to me, the depth in the lyrics.

A lot is straightforward, some metaphorical, but ALL of it can have a different meaning to anyone.

For mere "nu-metal", they are top contenders for "best band" (Even though it is impossible to determine) in my mind.
OMS is one of the most talented bands I've heard, (ugh!), one of the most technical

... then you have obciously not heard of Death, Cynic, Athiest, Spiral Architect, Dream Theater, Watchtower, Spastic Ink...??

OMS aren't technical at all, and i really don't know where you got that from, because that is utter bullshit.

It is typical for someone who like nu-metal to be impressed by 'guitar effects', and mistake that for talent. Trust me, dude, effects aren't talent, they are more than likely not even done by the band, but actually by the engineer.
It's the effects used, it's the way they are used.

Yes, I believe them to be talented, very talented. Yes, I have heard those bands, stated in your statement, before.

Their third album is very promising, from the live songs that I have heard.

Have you given their albums a good listen?
Have you given their albums a good listen?

Of course. That is why i feel so strongly about it.

There is NOTHING musically stimulating about them. I have played guitar for more than 12 years, and drums for about 5, and i can honestly tell you that NONE of the music is anything more special than Korn, or Rage against the machine...

Effects ARE NOT talent. Most of the effects they have used on the album can quite easily be integrated thu pro-tools in about ten seconds, there is no talent or skill required whatsoever.

Lets face it, a guitarist that has been playing for about 2 years can play all their 'work' effortlessly.

If you want 'talent', go out and buy 'Nevermore - Politics of ecstasy'. Now THAT is talent.
Originally posted by Trapped
Effects ARE NOT talent. Most of the effects they have used on the album can quite easily be integrated thu pro-tools in about ten seconds, there is no talent or skill required whatsoever.

I hate it when I forget to say WHY I said what I said ;)

It's the way that they use the effects, because it can change the mood of the song, and amplify the meaning of the lyrics, the overall meaning of the song, and create a better musical environment.

I think..
Trapped, I'm still baffled, if you like technical music, like Death, Spiral Architect etc, how can you not like Prometheus...

I can understand how you say emperor is noise metal, their first 2 albums are exactly that..

But as they progressed their music became more comples, and more technical.

Please explain EXACTLY why you don't like emperor, and you too Mr. Jester.

I don't wish to argue, I am just curious, I like understanding how people see music..

And also, Sullen Jester, you simply need to listen to the whole album.