Who Moved My Cheese?

I'm depressed, it appears all my MS Paint drawings are gone, including my badass drawing of Tony Robbings. I had all these ridiculously terrible drawings that ruled, and now they are gone. Gone. GONE! :(
Yeah so three years after I got this book, the company I worked for was sold and so far about 90% of the original staff was laid off / fired (I quit on my own terms, fuckers :kickass: ). I hunted this stupid book off my shelf a short time ago, and lizard my brother, this one is for you:



I have never wished for or enacted upon the wanton destruction of any book, and I even willingly have copies of The New Testament and The Qur'an on my shelves, but this one deserved destruction. :goggly:
Oh shit, that is beautiful.

At my job they did this 212 Degrees training... seriously bullshit stuff. I caused enough stink about how it was bad propaganda I ended up going to see a regional director to discuss my views. And he actually claimed he agreed with a lot of what I spoke about... not that it got me more money, but still funny.
agony to read, and then hear it talked about nonstop by coworkers really makes it worse. Around the same time as having to read this book, we also had to watch some video about the Seattle Pike Place Fish Market which drilled in similarly inane concepts that "WOWed" everyone.
Oh god the Seattle Pike Place Fish Market video bullshit! The whole time I was thinking, "this is the shit that management types come up with to justify their own existence."
Oh god the Seattle Pike Place Fish Market video bullshit! The whole time I was thinking, "this is the shit that management types come up with to justify their own existence."

I've seen that bloody video. Goddamn corporate indoctrination propaganda.

Obviously, the only true way to enjoy work is to pretty much avoid being productive and to actively seek to accomplish as little as possible on a daily basis.
Oh god the Seattle Pike Place Fish Market video bullshit! The whole time I was thinking, "this is the shit that management types come up with to justify their own existence."

The similarities between this and the Officer-Enlisted relationship is pretty hilarious. Replace 'Seattle Pike Place Fish Market' with 'stupid speeches by our leaders that Civilians think we love' (My battalion commander actually said "GRAB YOUR SHIELDS AND SPEARS, AND MUSTER THE ROHIRRIM! OORAH WARRIORS!") and 'management types' with 'officers'.
I was given this book by an ex-boss who was the biggest cuntface in the universe.

I threw it right in the trash and didn't even think twice about it.

The best was when I carefully planned the day I gave my two weeks' notice when I was hired by a competitor (knowing full well that I would be asked to leave that same day). I made sure the bitch was out that day and lo and behold, I was asked to leave by her superior. I was able to get out without saying two words to her and leaving her with a stack of work that she would have no clue in the universe what to do with (because she was also a moron). One of the most satisfying days I've ever had.