Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

Rock Hydra said:
Roope! Of course!

*waves fist in the air*
"I am Black Death!"

hahaha yessss.
i want to meet all of them. they all seem amazing, and kind of remind me of my friends. i want to get drunk with them and go do random things like in Trashed and Lost.

[&& p.s. lady_laiho, you make me sad. :waah:
you can't be in love with someone you barely know.
but be nice, you guys. it's a shitty phase to go through.]
-[chop]- said:
^ Seems like you are stuck in that "phase"...

No, I am not. The only reason you're saying that is because of my signature. But this is a COB forum. So... that's why my signature is all Alexi Laiho-afied.
And that quote is from my friend, and it's kind of an inside joke. So maybe it was stupid for me to put it on there but whatever.
I do think Alexi Laiho is attractive and duh, extremly talented.
But I also think he drinks too much and, though I do like a lot of his lyrics, I think some of them could be improved.
I am not obsessed with him. I never have been, I never will be.
The. Fuckin'. End.