Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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I'd like to have a beer with Carcassian but he's too much of a cunt to go the Pagan Altar/Warning show.
I salute you all!!!!!
I am new here, I don't know much about you yet...
but hey I have just discovered this forum!
I only know we all love metal, we all recognise the art of music, we are all metal-elves!!And that is already a great thing we have in common!
I am a greek elf-lady, so I shall ask: "Is anyone from Greece here?"
Have a nice day dudes.... and always stay heavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CookieCuttter,another slam metal and Star Trek fan.
Hate Breeder, seems like a cool guy.
Genocide Roach, seems like a politically incorrect, hardcore conservative; my kinda guy!:kickass:
And a few others...

Edit: And Satan's Toenail; he has a Warwick.


i also have a warwick, but its my backup
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