If I ever saw a collection like nec's, I i'd probably have heart failure.
I remember when everyone used to hate Ender. He typed like Dave and just acted like a petulant noob. Then he reformed himself, started typing correctly and lo and behold, he is one of the better members of the forum.
Ha, I remember like a year ago, everyone used to hate Ender, now everyone here thinks he's cool.
Correct, sir!I think he's gay.
I wouldn't touch him with my ten foot pole.If a girl wont take you, I doubt even more if Ender would.
Thank you.It would be pretty sweet to meet Ender.
God damn, when did I get so popular?Ender is cool.
I'd jerk off onto it imo.
These people are approved by me:
The Massachusetts faggots wouldn't be the worst people in the world to meet. DazedAndExtremelyHomosexual too I suppose since we live in the same state.
Am I a Massachusetts faggot? Because that horse is still looking at me funny.
Perhaps she has a giant penis-like clitoris?
The Massachusetts faggots wouldn't be the worst people in the world to meet. DazedAndExtremelyHomosexual too I suppose since we live in the same state.
He drowned in the Delaware River trying to get out of New Jersey.
I think it's really funny that on all the toll bridges between New Jersey and Pennsylvania, you only have to pay when you're leaving Jersey. I guess they new that no one in their right mind would actually pay seventy five cents to get into New Jersey.
"Oh hey welcome to Jersey it's free OH BUT YOU HAVE TO PAY TO LEAVE! Heheheheheh, got you, motherfucker."