Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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Speaking of who I'd like to meet.


I don't know if I've posted before, but I see I've made a few lists (maybe 3.... :P) so I'll post who I want to meet with, etc.

FaithNoMore, as he deserves a shitload of beer.
Susperia, as we're Connecticut residents (well, I won't be for long, but still...) and she's rather cool.
KingRichard, because even though his avatar is rather annoying, he's proved himself a cool guy.
Kriggy/krigalicious, as he is completely awesome and could kick ass. For serious. That man's got a GLOCK on him and he knows how to use it.
Taliesen and his gal Dark Silence. They post more on the chat forums, but I missed them at Wacken and I owe them a few beers.


My cousin tells me that Indiana rest areas are the fucking pits.

Prolly. I wouldn't know.

That's what you get for not having taxes


Indiana is definatly the state with the best name.

Eh, Hawaii is fun to say.
The legislature here suppressed a measure that would put it to popular vote and since we got that asshole Romney out of the governor's office our new governor actually supported the judiciary and gay rights and helped the legislature.
Well, Crimson I've already met. And we had a fucking good time too :kickass:

Alina I would love to catch up with and whoop her ass in the game of UT :grin: ... but also to see her artworks and try and figure out how much of Tenmnozor is actually offensive to a brownie like me :lol:

As much as people bash him, I think Dave would be fun to hang with. i don't think he's anywhere near as bad as people make him out to be.

And Zeph, and bluewizard would be cool guys too. They could teach me to play smoke on the water :lol:

EDIT: I'd like to meet W&W - but once he's say, hmm... about 30. Right now he's too bratty, but by the time he's 30 I'd say he'd be a very interesting person.

Oh - and thanks to those who voted for me... I'm surprised anyone actually did!
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