Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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Speaking of who I'd like to meet.


I don't know if I've posted before, but I see I've made a few lists (maybe 3.... :P) so I'll post who I want to meet with, etc.

FaithNoMore, as he deserves a shitload of beer.
Susperia, as we're Connecticut residents (well, I won't be for long, but still...) and she's rather cool.
KingRichard, because even though his avatar is rather annoying, he's proved himself a cool guy.
Kriggy/krigalicious, as he is completely awesome and could kick ass. For serious. That man's got a GLOCK on him and he knows how to use it.
Taliesen and his gal Dark Silence. They post more on the chat forums, but I missed them at Wacken and I owe them a few beers.
dodens, so i could beat his ass gorgoroth style and take all of his music collection along with a a vial of blood for good measure.

ender, cause you never know when you'll be in need of a reacharound.

ohiogrinder, just to get this fucker laid so he'd lose all of his pent up aggression. preferably with a hotghettomess black women.
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