Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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Notice I said "dislikes Pink Floyd" not "thinks Pink Floyd are overrated". I mean if you actually think their musical output is bad, regardless of their fanbase...well I guess you're entitled to your opinion but expect to be looked down upon in the same way you would be if you told Dodens that Bathory, Black Sabbath, etc. are shit or something.
Pink Floyd is overrated for those who don't do drugs.

True, I guess.

PF is highly underrated in the eyes of those who are high...yet, highly overrated in the eyes of those who are not high. If ya know what I mean?:goggly:

Honestly, my take on PF is one that is shared by many? Non-drug users (like myself) that recognize thier music and greatness, even if we don't totally get it? Yet, also realizing that the trippy psychedelic side and ride is there for a core fanbase who take it all in.

Definitley a band that I've atleast grown to appreciate more as I've grown older. Also, Gilmore is quite brilliant!

Murmaze would be cool to meet but just to talked about our local pro sports teams.

I'm assuming you meant me (not murmaze)?:lol:
Mutual feelin...would be lots and lots to talk about.
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