Who would you like to meet from these forums?

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Tom Brady: Give phonics lessons.

I'd like to meet mL because he reminds me very strongly of a friend of mine and I think we'd get along. I want to meet GFAD because he's awesome. I also want to meet Andy sometime, but he apparently doesn't want to meet me due to massive inadequacies relating to his height.

I also want to meet stephanie so she can give me her potato salad all night long.
I don't like dispensing mayonaise until I'm provided with some potatoes to dispense it on.

Dunno how to interpret that, actually.
Just looked at your flickr, really great stuff.

Well thank you sir. Out of the 600 pics I have on the comp, I only chose those because I felt they were the best of the best. I don't like photoshopping my pics, but I do have two on there (one pic is desaturated except for flower bulb which is unedited, the other is the sepia pic).

You're actually one of the only people to even comment on them, so seriously thanks.

I really need a camera though, as mine won't allow me to do what I need it to do.
I hate our ******** atm. It is super fucking busy because our store bought out a local small time ******** and hooollly shit I have been stuck at work until 11 the past 2 nights.

But, Our DM approved OT for everyone in our store though until things steady out haha.

We also recently got alcohol in our store :cool:

I kind of want to get trained as tech. though. More money haha
:cool: It was my first night in pharma tonight btw David. Was cool.

3) ???

Well thank you sir. Out of the 600 pics I have on the comp, I only chose those because I felt they were the best of the best. I don't like photoshopping my pics, but I do have two on there (one pic is desaturated except for flower bulb which is unedited, the other is the sepia pic).

You're actually one of the only people to even comment on them, so seriously thanks.

I really need a camera though, as mine won't allow me to do what I need it to do.

Well with what you're putting up you don't even need photoshop, which is pretty damn impressive. Try posting your stuff more often, after all there is the pics thread. You could set up a deviantart account as well, soon enough people would start following you and maybe you could even profit by selling prints or something.

And what's wrong with your current camera?
Nah, I'm still photo. Its just our pharm has been so fucking busy that I haven't been able to get anything done as far as closing procedures go over the last two days since everyfuckingoneinthecity has been at our store.
Well with what you're putting up you don't even need photoshop, which is pretty damn impressive. Try posting your stuff more often, after all there is the pics thread. You could set up a deviantart account as well, soon enough people would start following you and maybe you could even profit by selling prints or something.

And what's wrong with your current camera?

I love night photography, but I have a camera that has very limited aperture settings so it is actually an impossibility for me to do anything with it. I tried, believe me, but all that came from it were these failed industrial shots (located about a mile outside my living complex).

These pics distort the browser due to size, so I'll just link them:

These pic are insanely blurry, grainy, and the depth of field (or at least what I was focusing on) was totally shot to hell. I thought the subject matter was awesome, but damn the camera could not physically go to the parameters I needed. The lowest ISO I could go to was 100, and even then in a moderately lit area with no movement (example: in a room), it would still come out grainy.

My other problem with it is that it's an 8MP camera (Canon Powershot), and because of this is doesn't have .raw capabilities. Unfortunately, I also think it is starting to lose it's ability to discern the levels of light in any condition, as the poor damn thing is constantly asking me to turn on the flash in very well lit scenario's.
I'd like to meet the Swedes, Runk and Cronopio and have some Folköl (haven't had it in years) and some Absolut while lamenting this year in Swedish Sports..
I love night photography, but I have a camera that has very limited aperture settings so it is actually an impossibility for me to do anything with it. I tried, believe me, but all that came from it were these failed industrial shots (located about a mile outside my living complex).

These pics distort the browser due to size, so I'll just link them:

These pic are insanely blurry, grainy, and the depth of field (or at least what I was focusing on) was totally shot to hell. I thought the subject matter was awesome, but damn the camera could not physically go to the parameters I needed. The lowest ISO I could go to was 100, and even then in a moderately lit area with no movement (example: in a room), it would still come out grainy.

My other problem with it is that it's an 8MP camera (Canon Powershot), and because of this is doesn't have .raw capabilities. Unfortunately, I also think it is starting to lose it's ability to discern the levels of light in any condition, as the poor damn thing is constantly asking me to turn on the flash in very well lit scenario's.

The second picture came out the best out of the others, and the grainy-ness isn't even that bad if you zoom in. And if the third one was cut in half, it would be something pretty cool and worthy of posting on flickr or whatever else.

Maybe you could try selling that one on craigslist or eBay, and then look for a new one that can handle what you want.
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