Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm honestly worried about any leader that goes to church, whether or not he actually believes anything the minster is saying. In fact, it's even worse to go to church and pretend you're a believer just to get votes.

It's an American tradition.

Actually, no, it's not. It's an English tradition, and it's been going on for a very, very long time.
yeah, I have not seen an explanation as such from ANY politician on ANY issue in the last 15 years.

save for lets say when Ali G interviewed them.
Source? I've only read about this tape in the context of it being a smear story with no basis in reality.

Can't remember, few blogs had it posted, not sure of the original source. I'll look for it.

It's been hinted at for weeks, though, the original hints were saying that the Repubs were going to wait till after the august convention to put it out, as to make sure that they release it when Obama is locked in. Of course, since a few repubs have wide open mouths, they kept hinting at the fucking thing on TV.

It's sad though, ever since certain blogs have brought even the topic up, obama supporters have been flooding their traffic, trying to cut off their blogs ad funding, reporting them to their hosts, etc. Guess all the Ron Paulers jumped on the Obama bandwagon after they noticed he actually had half a chance.
I also love how most Obama opponents can't form a rational argument beyond "He's a Muslim and his wife is racist!".
drops HOPE and CHANGE into every line of every speech with no real indication of what change that is and why the hell we should hope for it, EMPTY WORDS

his heath care plan will fucking bankrupt the country giving free heathcare to people that contribute nothing to this world, SOCIALISM

joins a radical church for the black vote, drops it for the white vote, same old two-faced lying politician he claims not to be (or worse, really does believe in what rev wright says. not so sure if he does, but his wife certainly does)

has not even finished ONE FUCKING TERM as a senator, very little experience

is muslim and his wife is racist!

ok, hes not muslim. there are a few of the major points against him, im sure there are more from people who pay a little closer attention to these things. i am certainly not a republican, im just worried that a democrat congress and democrat president will push through a bunch of costly bullshit socialist policies to take even more of my paycheck and give it some worthless parasite, as well as breathalyser on my ignition, take more guns away, helmets for all children when in public at all times (if it saves just one child, its worth it!!!) etc. the country goes better when the congress and executive are different parties, that way neither side can push through their fucking wacko agendas. i hate this two party system, cause both parties fucking suck.
Most liberals suffer from emotional guilt that is brought upon by their very un-liberal ancestors chaining overly intelligent (in terms of cattle) to the fields of servitude in centuries past. They live their life with the missionary statement of emancipating the sub-human hordes and depraved dick sniffing dignitaries of Estados Unidos from the glass ceiling constructed by their laziness and lack of self-worth. If it weren't for his disgraceful Caucasian harridan of a mother accepting to be flagellated by a Afro-Cup hopeful, this overgrown Curious George who is so filled with these hollow nondescript ideals of hope and change would not have the IQ to charismatically convey his message from the teleprompters he reads from. Folks, if it weren't for his white mother, I sincerely would cast no doubt that this simian would be able to use communication more complex than a monosyllabic language. Yet, despite receiving a golden hand in intelligence, charm, and good looks, he refuses to accept his Caucasian ancestry as the root to these endowments. Foregoing a far more advanced sub-species of Homosapien, in favor of a disenfranchised clusterfuck of humanity who pride themselves on using D.E.E.T as a mouthwash. Birds of a feather flock together, do we not agree on this?!?! His Reverend was a raging coot, his wife is a raging coot, and an entire cadre of associates all fall in to place as Socialist resentful coots!

:lol: @ the typical Barack supporter. :lol:

I recall I had asked someone on this forum to bring to me one bill that Obama was a part of. Someone in turn linked me to some legislation in which he "backed". I'm not talking about saying "Aye" to a particular bill, I'm talking about something in which he had a heavy hand in pushing through the system. The guy's a fucking chump, whoops typo, chimp*. Do not be taken by this liberal psycho-babble that we need a Democratic Executive branch to curb the economy's downward spiral in to the camode.

The one bill in which he had a major impression on was an initiative to aid in the security and prosperity of the Democratic Republic of Congo!?!? Fuck those ape killing negars! I have more respect for the silverback gorillas who graze in the dewy hills of Mt. Shakeishatan, than I do the fly catching citizens of the Congo. Might as well annex the entire continent of Africa right now. Why wait another 5 months eh?

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It's pretty fucking easy to say that somebody has done nothing when you don't know what you're talking about and refuse to do any independent research you fat bastard.
I can't even take the rest of your post seriously. It's the classic self-confirming bias that all racists have: If member of group A is different from your narrow stereotype then there must be something genetic that sets them apart, like white blood. Barack is intelligent, charming, and handsome so that must come from his white mother, all of his negative traits are an expression of his blackness.

Ever watch the show COPS?
Using a Hannity & Colmes clip as an example of the "typical Barack supporter"? That's like using one of your posts to argue genetic inheritance. Besides, those guys don't get their money out of being fair. One woman in that fucking lightning round of a clip pauses to think for a moment and they move on to the next person!

And dude, I just mentioned a bill that he introduced to the Senate in 2007.

I can't even take the rest of your post seriously. It's the classic self-confirming bias that all racists have: If member of group A is different from your narrow stereotype then there must be something genetic that sets them apart, like white blood. Barack is intelligent, charming, and handsome so that must come from his white mother, all of his negative traits are an expression of his blackness.

That Hannity clip was reflective of Obama's Middle Class demographic. At work I'm subjugated to the lowest dregs of the working class who hang on this man's word with proverbial prehensile appendages. It's fucking sickening that he has a blind base of support who is ooooing and ahhing at every cue card studied sentence that comes flying from his lips o plenty. I don't mean to rain on everyone's parade here, but Neal brought up some good points, and was struck down with bias for not being a member of Rev. Wright's congregation, as the rest of you are. I demand a civil, impartial discourse in the subject at hand. Anything less, would take us down the road in which Obama's father paved. :erk:

But in all seriousness, the colored people at work are in hysterics, and I have grave concerns that they will roar up in riotous protest if this man does not attain the helm of the Presidency. One negress in particular just last month, was balking at the fact that one of the teachers at an inner city high school in which she used to be an aide, was recklessly flunking students for not being able to comprehend the curriculum. "You must go slow with these kids, you cant just go in there an expect them to understand." Oh fucking God, why must we be retrograded by consistently lowering our standards to meet their languid learning skills?!?! :erk:

This is the type of person that votes an unexperienced mulatto in to the white house under the pretense of "hope and change".

I only have one hope, that negars will all succumb to the AIDS virus. (The previous sentence was transposed from a Rev. Wright speech, simply substitute the word negar for whitey.)
fucking :lol: at this latest nonsense.

Jerry, you really need to get out of L.A. compadre. I promise that most of the middle class is different from the folks you work/deal with.
You guys are arguing with a Dungeons and Dragons master who lives in his parent's basement and another who is an avid racist with no ambition whatsoever other than moving from one menial job to another - and bitching about it the entire time. They're hardly experts on ANYTHING.
another who is an avid racist with no ambition whatsoever other than moving from one menial job to another - and bitching about it the entire time.

When did I ever bitch about my job you fucking nurse!?! You may be the only heterosexual nurse I have ever met*, and that could be nothing more than a fucking guise. Go suck a my pals dick and post about it in the "Need a Break, Grab A Snickers" thread.

Silly fucks, think they know a person by how they carry themselves on a mssg board. You don't know shit.
Bah fuck it. If this is how you chose to present yourself, then you should be prepared for criticism.