Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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@ RiA: Let me repeat the section you should be paying attention to:

"As well as failing to provide care, and driving individuals into bankruptcy, the existing system is also exorbitantly expensive. Health care spending is now 15% of U.S. GDP - the highest in the world. The costs to businesses, who commonly pay premiums for their employees in lieu of salary, rose by 13.9% in 2003. The annual cost increase has been above inflation since at least 1981. Paying more doesn't result in more value, either - obesity, diabetes, and similar disorders are more common in the United States than anywhere else in the developed world, the U.S. is ranked 72nd in overall health, and life expectancy is below that of 41 other countries."

If Canada has problems too (which it looks like that video is dying to tell me it does), then awesome. We also have problems here in the UK. This doesn't change the fact that your health service is still a complete joke compared to those in the rest of the developed world.
Affordable unless due to your medical history you're deemed unprofitable for the insurance companies, who will then deny you cheaper health care and leave you with the option: Pay out the ass.

Then you simply die, Social Darwinism my friend. :lol:

In all seriousness, competition drives health care, you take away the privatization, and those of us who currently have insurance will be tended to by physicians who hold no incentive in excelling above others in their craft. Cedars Sinai & UCLA will have no incentive in advancing in medical technology than say King Drew Medical Center. Kiss that cure for Parkinson's goodbye.

If Canada has problems too (which it looks like that video is dying to tell me it does), then awesome

I read your "somethingawful.com" article in full, while you've made it perfectly clear that you're cemented in your position with no desire to watch the aforementioned vid to see problems aligned with UHC. See I don't give a fuck about the 44 million Americans without health care. I say that as a person who was without healthcare for a good 3 years myself. I'm not living my life for Tom, Jane, or Sam, if they're not crippled or senile, they can fend for themselves. Juan and Maricruz can go back to fucking Mexico and have their countrymen support them if they wish. :)

I currently pay $100 for Blue Cross PPO through my provider, switching to HMO for $20 a month in July. Pretty fucking affordable wouldn't ye say?!?!

Moral of the story, get a job or die. What's next Universal Grocery Care?!?! :erk:
Then you simply die, Social Darwinism my friend. :lol:

In all seriousness, competition drives health care, you take away the privatization, and those of us who currently have insurance will be tended to by physicians who hold no incentive in excelling above others in their craft. Cedars Sinai & UCLA will have no incentive in advancing in medical technology than say King Drew Medical Center. Kiss that cure for Parkinson's goodbye.

You really need to realise that your health care service isn't flourishing because you have more competition than those which have been made public, it's failing, and failing badly. It is more expensive than every other country's systems, and provides worse care. The only objection I can think of that would ignore these two crucial facts, is that of the free market being better because it is a free market. And that is (IMO) putting allegiance to an ideology before the welfare of society, and is literally killing and bankrupting thousands and thousands of people every year so that one economic philosophy can be upheld.

I read your "somethingawful.com" article in full, while you've made it perfectly clear that you're cemented in your position with no desire to watch the aforementioned vid to see problems aligned with UHC. See I don't give a fuck about the 44 million Americans without health care.

Well fine, as I implied above we possess completely opposing value systems, and yes I am pretty entrenched in mine and find yours pretty horrible. But I know there are others who think like you, and I'm not going to call you stupid or dismiss what your saying. I just wish more people could see your perspective boiled right down to its core essentials like you do to it above, because I feel like there aren't many other reasons for opposing UHC, and given the choice, many more people could well end up siding with me.
The whole experience issue is overrated. It's not like Obama is 23 and just gave up his paper route.

You couldn't possibly have more experience that Cheney and Rumsfield had. How have their decisions and policies worked out?

Experience is worthless if you're bound to the "Stay the course" ethos that the administration adopted long ago. How can you act upon your experience if you're not ideologically allowed to admit mistakes and make changes accordingly? I think the lack of success of the Bush administration can largely be attributed to this foolish stubborn-ness.
I don't disagree. I also don't think experience is an issue. My only point was, they have a ton of experience and it didn't help at all.

I have to say, I'm very pleased with the selection of Biden as V.P. I think he rounds out this ticket very nicely. I think the Obama/Biden ticket will get a huge bump from the convention. Currently, 28% of Hillary supporters are undecided and 22% are claiming they'll vote for McCain. I think the two Clintons speaking this week, along with Biden and Barrack should restore party unity.

I'm really crossing my fingers McCain chooses Romney. He's a religious nut, who shut turn off independents. Yet, he's the wrong flavor of religious nut, so he should also alienate the Christian right.

I don't recall ever feeling this invested in an election. While I don't think Obama is a perfect candidate, and he's certainly not a savior, if we don't begin to enact sweeping energy reform, stop thinking the world is ours to do with as we please and acting like conflict is the answer to every disagreement, we're quite simply fucked.

Fuck yeah... it's Palin for McCain. Excellent choice to shut up the whole "McCain is anti-woman" bullshit. And quite a few other things.
Fuck yeah... it's Palin for McCain. Excellent choice to shut up the whole "McCain is anti-woman" bullshit. And quite a few other things.

I ask you, who would vote against a war hero and a cougar?!?!?! :kickass:


BTW- I go to yahoo to check out the story, and who's picture do I see accompanying this headline?!?! Not Palin's, not McCain's, but fucking Nigbama!! God damn can this media be any more left sided!?!?

Headline, "Celebrity Factory"
small print- "McCain has it to."
Isnt' this the bird you want to bang Jerry?

This is a ridiculous pick i think, no matter her credentials ... it reeks of desperation. This is like McCain's Death Magnetic :loco:

Can you see this lady as Commander in Chief if McCain croaks?
Isnt' this the bird you want to bang Jerry?

This is a ridiculous pick i think, no matter her credentials ... it reeks of desperation. This is like McCain's Death Magnetic :loco:

Can you see this lady as Commander in Chief if McCain croaks?

Yes. Think President Roslin in Battlestar Galactica. :lol:

I mean, come on, she has more experience running shit than Obama does, even if it is Alaska. :lol: Desperation? I think not. He could have gone with the safe picks, he chose the pick nobody fucking thought would actually happen. And has effectively stolen thunder from Obama at the moment. She has also just secured a large chunk of undecided after hillary was denied her part. There are a lot of "PUMA" out there (Party Unity My Ass) who were hoping for something just like this so that they could jump on his band wagon. Even fucking Karl Rove said it was a good pick.
he chose her because she's a woman, young, and has all those energy solutions ... and if Hillary supporters vote for McCain because of her ... holy fuck, this country as a whole is fucked.

I can't imagine McCain and this bird running the country, can you? I really doubt it.

edit: just watching the intro live on cnn.com ... why does McCain's right arm move like Dr. Evil's? :lol: