Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

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  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What a silly pick. If McCain thinks Hillary's most die-hard supporters are going to vote for a woman who is against abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, he's nuts. It's also an incredibly hypocritical pick. His biggest criticism of Obama has been his inexperience. So he picks a 44 year old soccer mom and ex-beauty queen, whose served less than two years as Alaska's governor? Alaska? A state with a population under 700,000? LOL.

The 600 pound gorilla in the room is, the fact that there's a real chance McCain will not survive his first term. Politics aside, he's 72 and has had four bouts with cancer. She seems like a nice person, but is she ready to be President? Come on. McCain's other criticism of Obama was that Obama is more interested in becoming President than doing what's right for the country. He actually accused Obama, that he'd choose to lose a war to win an election. Given his aforementioned age and health issues, is picking an unqualified V.P., who very well could be our President, doing what's right for the country or doing what's right for getting elected?

It's pure pandering and everyone is going to see right through it, especially when the Democrats have strong, intelligent, respected women like Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, etc. eviscerate this woman and her lack of qualifications. And does anyone really think she's going to hold her own against Biden in the VP debates? Let's be fair, whether you're a Democrat or Republican, if the V.P. was to become President, do you want Joe Biden sitting across from Putin when there's a Russian crisis or Sarah?

What I like about this pick is it reeks of desperation. The fact that the McCain campaign felt the need to throw a Hail Mary (as many have called this pick) so early in run up, means they're very worried.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he's a fucking negar. Do I have to repeat this ad nauseum?!?! Have you ever met a negar?!?! They are vile, nigrescent, ill-tempered creatures that will put a shank in your back for spare change. They inhabit inner city dwellings which are paid for through the Committee of White Guilt est. 1865. How can you put so much faith in an evolutionary miscue who is genetically ill-equipped to solve any of the issues that pertain to our society?!? This socialist hack is going to raise taxes quicker than the gnats could skim his greens !! Hope?! Nope! I'll take a bullet in the chest for the lovely, hardworking, self made, mother of five, Sen. Palin. I wouldn't expel the energy to kick the horse out from underneath that waste of corn pudding Nigbama. If it weren't for the disgusting hue of his flesh, he'd merely be a footnote in the primary elections. But because of his lascivious daddy who couldn't keep his tail in his pants, we are subjugated to the biggest black insurrection since the days of Nat Turner. Let's put the fate of this country in the hands of a bunch of lawyers. :rolleyes:

Fucking liberals get yer heads outta yer asses!!! :mad:

Say it with me, Palin! Palin! Palin!

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anyone who thinks this is a good pick is either thinking with their pecker or is just a dullard. mccain wont live through the presidency if he wins, so then we have some damn eskimo running the country who wants nothing more than "World Peace".

obama is far from perfect, but this is obviously a gimmick
does Palin even live in the Continental US to have a full grasp of what is really going on here?
Alaska. Give me a fucking break. McCain should just give up. So should Obama. They are both a couple of lying gladhanders.
Energy indepedence in 10 years. Tax breaks for the middle class. Come on. It's these truck-drivin, debt-creatin middle class morons who have ruined this country. Now they're going to change their ways. Nope.
My biggest criticism of Obama is that he's a fucking negar. Do I have to repeat this ad nauseum?!?! Have you ever met a negar?!?! They are vile, nigrescent, ill-tempered creatures that will put a shank in your back for spare change. They inhabit inner city dwellings which are paid for through the Committee of White Guilt est. 1865. How can you put so much faith in an evolutionary miscue who is genetically ill-equipped to solve any of the issues that pertain to our society?!? This socialist hack is going to raise taxes quicker than the gnats could skim his greens !! Hope?! Nope! I'll take a bullet in the chest for the lovely, hardworking, self made, mother of five, Sen. Palin. I wouldn't expel the energy to kick the horse out from underneath that waste of corn pudding Nigbama. If it weren't for the disgusting hue of his flesh, he'd merely be a footnote in the primary elections. But because of his lascivious daddy who couldn't keep his tail in his pants, we are subjugated to the biggest black insurrection since the days of Nat Turner. Let's put the fate of this country in the hands of a bunch of lawyers. :rolleyes:

Fucking liberals get yer heads outta yer asses!!! :mad:
i gotta hand it to you jerry, just when i think things aren't as bad as they seem you really know how to remind me what it is i despise about this country

hahahaha, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary are intelligent and respected?
You don't have to like either Pelosi or Clinton to recognize they're intelligent. You may disagree with their politics, their ethics, dislike them personally, etc., but they're both clearly intelligent women. As for respected, they're very respected by the demographic McCain is looking to attract with this pick; white, female, baby boomers.

i just dont get it. so there are honestly people out there that want to continue with the same shit weve been dealing with the past 8 years? really????? because thats what we'll get with mccain. same bullshit with the war in iraq, same bullshit trickle down economics which has NEVER worked. i dont get it. and all because obama is black or is against gun rights.

im not saying obama is the solution to all our problems, but there is that chance that perhaps something will change for the BETTER instead of keeping everyone where they are while the rich get richer, and the corporations suck this country dry. a chance is better than no chance.

unless you actually enjoy this shitty redudlican economy.
There's a saying, "It's better to go with the enemy you know, that the one you don't."

Worst case scenario, I'll take 4 yrs of the same old shit. Though, I have no expectations that the esteemed John McCain will carry on with President Bush's agendas. Plus this will market Palin as next in line to the throne come 2013!!! All will be well by then!!! :kickass: