Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

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  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

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Funny that the allegations of Barack Nigbama's fraudulent citizenship isn't mentioned by any media outlet, but Palin's daughter's out of wedlock pregnancy is "Breaking News". Who gives a shit about the latter?!?! My concerns lie with the fact that we are voting a monkey in to a seat, when said simian, has political interests outside of the United States. McCain's already proven his loyalty to this country, what has this chimp done, aside from attending Hate Church for the past two decades?!?! Hmm perhaps this is why Clinton never "fully" vouched for this man's character. Smart gal.

Jennifer Haberkorn THE WASHINGTON TIMES Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pennsylvania's former deputy attorney general and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter Philip J. Berg has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Pennsylvania accusing presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama of lying about his U.S. citizenship, which would make him ineligible to be president.

Mr. Berg is one of a faction of Clinton supporters who haven't heeded the party's call for unity, filing the suit just days before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, which will nominate Mr. Obama as the party's presidential candidate.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia last week, also names the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission and says Mr. Obama´s mother went to Kenya late in her pregnancy and ended up giving birth there. It also claims that later in life, Mr. Obama declared himself a citizen of Indonesia.

The Obama campaign has firmly said the Illinois Democrat is a natural-born citizen. Last month, the campaign posted on Mr. Obama's Web site a copy of his "certification of live birth." It says he was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, two years after Hawaii was named the 50th state.

Mr. Berg said he was contacted about filing the lawsuit by a member or associate of the group PUMA, which was formed to support Mrs. Clinton shortly after she withdrew from the race. Its mission includes denouncing the Democratic Party and Mr. Obama's nomination.

"I really do not believe he is a natural-born citizen," said Mr. Berg, adding that he is not connected with Mrs. Clinton or her campaign.

the Democratic National Comittee's 2008 Call Rules and
Regulations pertaining to replacement of a Democratic Nominee.

In particular, page 19, Section "G" states:

G. Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.
The Obama campaign has firmly said the Illinois Democrat is a natural-born citizen. Last month, the campaign posted on Mr. Obama's Web site a copy of his "certification of live birth." It says he was born in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961, two years after Hawaii was named the 50th state.


"I really do not believe he is a natural-born citizen," said Mr. Berg

Haha bitter Hillary supporters are funny.
Oh I know his birth certificate "says" he was born in Hawaii. But the story goes that his monkey-loving maman gavebirth to the chimp in a Kenyan canopy, then boarded a plane to Hawaii. I'm honestly not surprised by these allegations, given this man's family history.
the RNC for the last 2 hours has been the most boring and lifeless event I have seen in a long time.

the average age there seems to be 50 and none of them look like they even believe in their own cause.

on a side note, I was in DC for a few days this weekend and its Obama mania everywhere.
DC's population is 55% African American, what do you expect?!? It's no coincidence that most liberals turn Republican later on in life. Once they get all that youthful angst out of their system, they wise up to how inefficient and naive their party's politics are.
actually it was the Cauc-asians flying the Obama flag. Bumper stickers everywhere on Audi's and Benz's with baby seats in the back and skinny moms driving.
youthful angst? have you forgotten that our previous wars with those darn sand my pals were started reduds. face it, the GOP is for grumpy old rich men (and decent looking women with slutty daughters)
could this twat be more boring or cliche? instead of telling us about your family full of stupid names, tell us how you're going to help this economy that your kind fucked up.
Yea, it was the Republicans who fucked up the economy, and not the idiotic creditors who were passing out sub-prime loans like hotcakes. :rolleyes: People need to take some responsibility and realize that these economic times are a result of their own stupidity. Life is grand, when you're living off of a borrowed dime. You don't like the economy now, just wait until you live under the dark cloud of Socialism.

As Rudy said, ""Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy." Does this negar even have a plan?!?! :lol:
C'mon Jerry, when will you realize that this UNNECESSARY war costs me and you and all others millions and billions of dollars. That Bush moron has now effectively put my kid in debt. That is what fucked us. The economy was fucked before this recent housing disaster. The last time we supposedly lived under "socialism", (1992-2000, assuming you mean democratic rule) the economy was BOOMING with pay raises more than inflation, affordable gas prices, and our President getting blowjobs from ugly chicks, and not giving them to Saudi sand my pals.

McCain's plan----->No change. Stay the current course. Does he realize that's not even a plan? Sometimes I wonder if you care more about bettering your life, economy and country, or just that Obama is black.

EDIT: Damn. Her speech sucked.