Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It's such a shame this country is so divided. To my mind, it can be laid at the feet of religion. Sure, hardcore Democrats disliked Reagan and Bush the elder, and Republicans disliked Carter and Clinton, but we've reached a place in this country where we're at complete impasse. And the biggest difference between now and then is the rise of the religious right. They've hijacked the Republican party and completely distorted the values the Grand Old Party always stood for.

The second McCain picked Palin, this election became another culture war. At a point when we need to have real debate about our faltering economy, a disastrous foreign policy, energy independence and global warming, a large portion of this country will instead go to the polls and vote for overturning Roe v. Wade, teaching evolution in schools, and making sure gays can't marry. At a time when we need to address the issues of the 21st century, an all too significant part of our population is attempting to vote us back into the Iron Age.

Oh jeez. This country has truly turned into a fucking joke.
If McCain/Palin are elected I'm moving to Canada, which is also joke, but at least it's a funny one.
I can't imagine a stone cold dumber act (short of eating something that says DO NOT EAT, dropping a live toaster in your bathtub, or similar Darwin award-winning derring-do) than voting against your own best interests.

Well we agree on this.

A little history on your Messiah.

Barack's work as a community organizer was in a downtrodden part of South Chicago, pandering the uneducated black masses to subscribe to the radical reform projects of Bill Ayers.

He then worked as an activist at Altgeld Gardens where he helped the local niglets in the projects suckle more milk from the government teat.

Then he took up law and worked for Judson Miner where he accumulated 3,700 over a span of 11 years?!!? This guy must be French, he only works 6 hours a week. :lol: O.K granted he put in the majority of that time in the first four years of his tenure. But what the fuck was he doing from 97 to 2004?!?! Organizing a coup d'etat, that's what. He claims to have been a Professor of Law at Chicago Law School, when in all actuality, he was merely a lecturer who taught three courses per year. And then there's the nebulously written, fallacy filled autobiography in which he penned after multiple advances. When questioned about the integrity of the work, his editor defended, ""He was trying to be careful of people's feelings," "The fact is, it all had a sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up."

Now I ask you, does this man have my personal interests in mind!??

Certainly not if you look at some of the frivolous lawsuits this man took to trial.

In a 1995 case known as Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank, Obama and his fellow apettorneys charged that Citibank was making too few loans to black applicants and won the case. Shit like this is what helped foster the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Banks were not loaning enough to negroes with poor credit. When the law forced their hand, the walls came tumbling down.

This guy is not going to help Middle Class White Americans. All this hope and all this change is going to occur at the bottom of the aquarium.

Wake up White People!!! :mad:

And on that note, I'm done. This is pure silliness, and I have no desire to proselytize you fine folk with factual data. You've made your beds.
Obama isn't Black though. I'm stymied as to how this simple fact alludes everyone, including the media. It irks me also that he doesn't bother to dispel this myth himself. Kinda like Tiger Woods et al don't bother either.
I guess I'll be checking the "African-American" boxes all my children's applications for everything from now on since my wife is biracial. Oh wait, I mean Black.
Obama isn't Black though. I'm stymied as to how this simple fact alludes everyone, including the media. It irks me also that he doesn't bother to dispel this myth himself. Kinda like Tiger Woods et al don't bother either.
I guess I'll be checking the "African-American" boxes all my children's applications for everything from now on since my wife is biracial. Oh wait, I mean Black.

Haha, right! Robert Downey has a more convincing argument for the classification.

The second McCain picked Palin, this election became another culture war. At a point when we need to have real debate about our faltering economy, a disastrous foreign policy, energy independence and global warming, a large portion of this country will instead go to the polls and vote for overturning Roe v. Wade, teaching evolution in schools, and making sure gays can't marry. At a time when we need to address the issues of the 21st century, an all too significant part of our population is attempting to vote us back into the Iron Age.


This guy is not going to help Middle Class White Americans.
McCain is? Look, if a Republican wants to make the arguement that McCain's experience better qualifies him as President, that's fair. I disagree, but it's fair. If they want to make the arguement that McCain's positions on divisive issues would make him the better President, that's fair. I disagree, but it's fair. However, to argue that a 72 year old white Republican man, who has been consistent in his position against raising the minimum wage, who doesn't even know how many houses he owns, cares about the interests of the working class, that's just silly. And if Republicans want to make the arguement that McCain and Palin, who have never voted in favor of any substantial alternative energy bill, will be better for the environment and reversing our policy of borrowing from China to pay Saudi Arabia, that just means you're high on crack.

The McCain/Palin ticket is nothing more than Bush / Romney (in a dress). McCain and Bush disagree on almost nothing. The voting record is clear and well documented. We've had eight years of Bush. And we've all had a front row seat to what this country looks like under a Republican controlled White House and Congress. Short of The Great Depression, has the country ever been in worse shape? To refer to McCain as "aisle reaching" or as a "maverick" is to live in past. He has traded in his ideals to the Christian right for their votes.

Palin is a Christian fundamentalist who I want no where near the Executive Branch of our government. She will push an agenda that goes well beyond the average Pro Life position. And in a fashion similar to the Bush administration, she will do all that she can to stifle science in favor of Bronze Age mysticism. And she will do all that she can to safeguard the interests of Big Oil, as is the primary role of anyone in Alaskan politics.

And Jerry... how can anyone take anything you say on this topic seriously?

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he's a fucking negar. Do I have to repeat this ad nauseum?!?! Have you ever met a negar?!?! They are vile, nigrescent, ill-tempered creatures that will put a shank in your back for spare change.

Clearly your vote is determined by the amount and type of melanin in a person's skin. And that is your right. Such is the double edge sword of a free democracy.

McCain is? Look, if a Republican wants to make the arguement that McCain's experience better qualifies him as President, that's fair. I disagree, but it's fair. If they want to make the arguement that McCain's positions on divisive issues would make him the better President, that's fair. I disagree, but it's fair. However, to argue that a 72 year old white Republican man, who has been consistent in his position against raising the minimum wage, who doesn't even know how many houses he owns, cares about the interests of the working class, that's just silly. And if Republicans want to make the arguement that McCain and Palin, who have never voted in favor of any substantial alternative energy bill, will be better for the environment and reversing our policy of borrowing from China to pay Saudi Arabia, that just means you're high on crack.

The McCain/Palin ticket is nothing more than Bush / Romney (in a dress). McCain and Bush disagree on almost nothing. The voting record is clear and well documented. We've had eight years of Bush. And we've all had a front row seat to what this country looks like under a Republican controlled White House and Congress. Short of The Great Depression, has the country ever been in worse shape? To refer to McCain as "aisle reaching" or as a "maverick" is to live in past. He has traded in his ideals to the Christian right for their votes.

Palin is a Christian fundamentalist who I want no where near the Executive Branch of our government. She will push an agenda that goes well beyond the average Pro Life position. And in a fashion similar to the Bush administration, she will do all that she can to stifle science in favor of Bronze Age mysticism. And she will do all that she can to safeguard the interests of Big Oil, as is the primary role of anyone in Alaskan politics.

And Jerry... how can anyone take anything you say on this topic seriously?

Clearly your vote is determined by the amount and type of melanin in a person's skin. And that is your right. Such is the double edge sword of a free democracy.


The country has been in far worse shape during many periods of it's young history. Do I need to cite a dozen references?!?! This period only looks as abysmal as it does due to the advent of the internet and the rise of the arm-chair political analyst. When McCain said the economy's poor state was an allusion, he really wasn't off the mark. Recession is a sphere away from Depression, despite what the Dems would like you to believe. As for the war, all signs point to troop withdrawal in the not-so distant future. Gas prices are slowly crawling back to reasonable levels, and the housing market is being regulated as it should be. It's absolutely asinine that a 2 bedroom house in Los Angeles has a going rate of 700k. The bubble has burst, now it's time to live as reasonable, self sufficient adults. Let go of daddy government's hand and let your balls drop people. :heh:

As for my negroid hatred, well that's true. But my mindset is within reason. I assure you these sentiments would not be heard if a noble fellow like Colin Powell was running for office. I'm a fair lad, I'll call a spade a spade. :)

BTW - I'm staunchly against raising minimum wage. I've made a post or two
on this matter in the past.

P.S I still love you liberal bastards. You amuse me. :lol:
The country has been in far worse shape during many periods of it's young history. Do I need to cite a dozen references?!?!
Yes. Please cite when the National Debt was last over 9.5 trillion dollars. Cite the last time we attacked, occupied and nation built a sovereign nation who was no threat to us. Please cite the last time the U.S. was threatened by Global Warning, as we approach what most scientists believe is a tipping point, and still we let Big Oil write our energy policy in closed door meetings that our VP wouldn't even discuss with us. Cite when, since The Great Depression, the income gap has been this wide? Cite when the last time gas was over $4 a gallon here in the U.S. as ExxonMobil reported first-quarter earnings of nearly $11 billion dollars.

We may not be in a full blown recession, depression or have historic unemployment. However, when you look at the situation we've put ourselves in, it's hard to recall a time where the outlook was so bleak. And by the way, that seems to be the one thing most pundits agree on... the next Prez, is inheriting a shitstorm.

P.S I still love you liberal bastards. You amuse me. :lol:
Right back atcha.:kickass:

Yes. Please cite when the National Debt was last over 9.5 trillion dollars. Cite the last time we attacked a sovereign nation who was no threat to us. Please cite the last time the U.S. was threatened by Global Warning, as we approach what most scientists believe is a tipping point, and still we let Big Oil write our energy policy in closed door meetings that our VP wouldn't even discuss with us. Cite when, since The Great Depreshttp://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=7582451sion, the income gap has been this wide? Cite when the last time gas was over $4 a gallon here in the U.S. as ExxonMobil reported first-quarter earnings of nearly $11 billion dollars.

Right back atcha.:kickass:


GDP 4% growth rate.
Unemployment rate at 5.7%

Examples of Fairly Recent Unemployment Rates

1982-83 10+%
1977- 7+%
Early 60's 6-7%

The Fact that almost 50% of the population thinks we are in recession certainly explains why most households are in debt. :lol:


National Debt - Obama's proposed government programs will certainly relieve us of this burden.
Last time we attacked a non-threatening nation - Vietnam (Thank the Dems for that one)
Global Warming - The jury is still out on climate change. Though, I fully agree that environmental issues (deforestation, pollution, energy conservation are issues that need to be address worldwide.) I'm as left as can be when it comes to this issue.
Income Gap - There's no glass ceiling. Bust your ass, and you'll be rewarded. The gap coincides with the influx of illegal immigrants.
A majority environmental scientists think global warming is a human caused problem. Pretty good reason to keep research money into it and to start trying to fix it.

EDIT: Ad hominen attacks are on both sides, not just one.
Jerry... all of that makes for a good retort, but doesn't actually speak to my point. I'm not saying unemployment has never been higher or GDP has never grown at a slower pace. My point is, that when you look at all that now faces our country, when have things been bleaker? Special interest groups control our government, Big Oil writes our energy policy, we attacked Iraq for no valid reason, our military is nearing a breaking point, we've nearly doubled the national debt during the Bush administration, we continue to ship jobs overseas, we can't control our borders, we've abandoned the moral high ground and forfeited our standing in the world on many issues, the dollar is at historic lows, gas is at historic highs, we're seeing competition that threatens our position as the world's dominant economy, we continue to fuel the fires of terrorism by our continued presence in the middle east and our unquestioned alliance with Israel. And the cherry on the top is, one third of our country thinks our country should be guided by the principles set forth by a 2,000 year old book, canonized by a Pagan, that is historically, geographically, astronomically, logically and internally inaccurate.

Now, when you consider all of that, and when you consider that most of this can be laid at the feet of six years of Republican control of the White House and Congress, it's hard to even consider a candidate that votes 95% of the time with George Bush.
