Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
- i thought she was a tough little cookie ... i'll give her that
- i still don't think she is ready for the job no matter how good a speaker she is (and Republicans might say the same about Obama)
- there were like 3 negars at the GOP ... I made it a point to count
- the republicans are out of touch with everyday life ... if I was a rich fucker, I would be at the gop and voting for McCain as well.
- I do agree with Jerry that WE THE PEOPLE fucked ourselves economically over the last few decades BUT Obama has said it himself that WE will have to change our ways first.
- it will take a new generation to change our ways, it WILL NOT happen during Obama's tenure if he wins
- besides the economy at home our BIGGEST problem as a nation is our foreign relations issues ... the Republicans will not change that.

oh yeah ... and everyone go watch I.O.U.S.A.

every single one of us currently owe about $187K
- it will take a new generation to change our ways, it WILL NOT happen during Obama's tenure if he wins

after what bush has done it will take generationS to fix. but keeping the same ol' same ol' will simply make it worse. obama is not the great black hope, but he's not a bush cronie, and doesnt subscribe to trickle down economics.

sure, the repubs can preach about security and terrorism and give the ol' frightening song and dance, but people want to hear about improving their own lives, and not more airport security checks

like you said, out of touch with the real america
That UNNECESSARY war didn't seem so unnecessary 7 years ago when our countrymen were jumping from the 44th floor of the WTC.

My support in this election has nothing to do with color, and everything to do with character. That black bezonian Barack Obama's track record is as hazy as a cup of Guadalajaran tap water. When I say we're going to be subjugated to Marxism, I'm not attacking the dems as a whole, but singularly pointing the finger at this over-excited chimp. Perhaps if Palin jumped up and down on the podium and her cadence resembled a richter-scale ala the Obamessiah she would be more well received?!?! In reference to character and the people this man surrounds himself with, a huge influence for Obama growing up was a young negroid by the name of Frank Davis, who so happened to be a card carrying member of the CPUSA. This was the black daddy that his Kenyan sperm donor was never able to be. Couple that with twenty years of listening to a black separatist in Rev Wright, and you can only imagine what hidden objectives this man holds.

-Hope for the languid who refuse to earn their own keep.

-Change, well that's all that you'll have left rustling in your pockets after this guy takes the helm.

I assure you, that I'm not the man that needs to be accused of racism.
In reference to his college life and race relations niggy nig banabama states, ""There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

He added: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

Do you really trust a man of this character to turn around your economic woes?!?! If you want to vote for a true liberal, vote for McCain. Aside from the esteemed Palin, there's not a true conservative to be found in this race. There's only two sides to choose from. Liberal or Socialist.

I'll put my chips behind the P.O.W from Hanoi. :heh:
The Republicans to me are what America used to look like ... white, middle class and worry free. Everyone at the GOP looked like cookie cutter texbook "American". Anotherwords ... out of touch with the rest of the world.

That UNNECESSARY war didn't seem so unnecessary 7 years ago when our countrymen were jumping from the 44th floor of the WTC.

Ironically, the place where all the shit went down ... New York Fucking City ... the people living here are probably the most outspoken against the war.

Tully is in the right place ... that poon hunter.
The Republicans to me are what America used to look like ... white, middle class and worry free. Everyone at the GOP looked like cookie cutter texbook "American". Anotherwords ... out of touch with the rest of the world.

White, middle class, and worry free is the antithesis of the typical Angelino. If they were in touch with this class of American, Palin would be delivering her speech in Ebonics. Every person should inspire to become out of touch with the lowest common denominator. That is after all, the American Dream. :kickass:

Ironically, the place where all the shit went down ... New York Fucking City ... the people living here are probably the most outspoken against the war.

It's a multiculturalist haven ala L.A. Every single citizen in that conurbation is a canker sore on society. We're talking about the leechers of society who take, take, and take. The ones who expect the government to hold their hand from cradle to grave (the 30% that were actually born here that is). Of course they are going to be against a war, as it leads to a climate that is not stable for their parasitical exploits. Fucking sickening! Blame the liberals for ripping out our backbone. I can only imagine what would happen to Europe if this was our response to Pearl Harbor. "Eh it was a only a few thousand lives, we must think about the economy." Jesus Christ show some gumption!
That UNNECESSARY war didn't seem so unnecessary 7 years ago when our countrymen were jumping from the 44th floor of the WTC.

So Saddam was behind 9/11. Maybe Bush's intel was right after all. C'mon Jerry. You know as well as I do why we went to Iraq. Don't be daft.
Every person should inspire to become out of touch with the lowest common denominator. That is after all, the American Dream. :kickass:

And I agree with that, we need to strive to get there. But the GOP don't need more "members" ... but unfortunatelly at the same time the majority of the country currently needs a kick in the ass to boost the economy ... to allow the middle class to stay alive.

EVERYONE affects the way businesses stay alive and the cash flows in this country.
So Saddam was behind 9/11. Maybe Bush's intel was right after all. C'mon Jerry. You know as well as I do why we went to Iraq. Don't be daft.

No. But do you not agree that he needed to be removed?! He should have been hung in the early 90's. We fucked up then, we're paying for it now.
Palin is sexy as hell but I think she was a horrible choice. She may be spunky or whatever, but the thought of her being one heart attack away from being our leader is pretty damn frigthtening and down-right irresponsible. Such a transparent choice. I haven't seen it yet, but there is apparently video of two GOP analysts talking smack on a hot mic when they were off air questioning the pick. Good fun.
I love her as much as I lust her. Seeing someone with noble convictions enter the Washington three-ring is a breath of fresh air. Say McCain, (God forbid) does perish half way through his reign. She should have accumulated enough big league experience to take over at the helm. By contrast, the heavily inexperienced and ridiculously inadequate, all fluff, no flavor, all hype, no heart, all style, no substance simian, is 270 electoral votes away from ushering in the apocalypse.*

Typo - A pack of lips.
:lol: I seen that. Nice to see that the old man's plumbing still works after 5 years of being beaten with a broom.

I guess it's true, once you go Black, you never go back.

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Palin is the governor of a state with a population around half that of the city of Nashville.
McCain is a maverick though. A straight-talker. All aboard the Straight-Talk Express!!

No. But do you not agree that he needed to be removed?! He should have been hung in the early 90's. We fucked up then, we're paying for it now.

What about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians? or what is happening in Burma... funny how things go unnoticed until there is another agenda that will benefit them. Not saying what Saddam was doing was fine he deserved what he got but it's not like the government really cared about the people of Iraq until they have something to go get.
What about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians? or what is happening in Burma... funny how things go unnoticed until there is another agenda that will benefit them. Not saying what Saddam was doing was fine he deserved what he got but it's not like the government really cared about the people of Iraq until they have something to go get.

Israel = Ally
Burma = Not a threat

So who cares about them?!?! :)
lol Dayton, Ohio

Would someone like to enlighten me as to what's hot about this woman? I don't think I'd give her a second glance on the street. I mean, she's not unattractive or anything but Jesus people, come on

There isn't anything special about her as a vice presidential candidate except that she's a woman, and when there isn't anything of substance to discuss about a woman, you talk about how she looks. Political discussion takes place mostly on an 8th grade level.

I'm voting for Obama, mostly because he and his staff don't sound like the absolute dumbest people in the world every time they open their mouths. He buys into most of the New Scary Post 9/11 World (Now With 5000% More Terrorists!) garbage so there will be plenty of policies I don't agree with, but at least we won't have to worry about his administration suppressing climate change studies or pressuring schools to teach creationism alongside abstinence-only sex education. I'm sure there's a lot of other stuff an Obama Administration would never try to do.

I'll gladly trade a 100% chance of less mindboggling stupidity for the possibility of a modest tax increase on a class of people who will barely notice it--and who won't actually pay more in taxes anyway if they have good accountants. Those people, by the way, are really the only ones who have any business voting Republican at this point. I can't imagine a stone cold dumber act (short of eating something that says DO NOT EAT, dropping a live toaster in your bathtub, or similar Darwin award-winning derring-do) than voting against your own best interests because you think someday all your hard work will pay off and you'll suddenly find yourself a millionaire with a private jet flown by strippers.