Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Penn Jillette said:
Barack Obama is way smarter than Bush — so way, way smarter than me. Obama is way more charismatic than me. He did his big speech for about 80,000 people; I’ll do my show tonight in Vegas for about 1,000 people. He’s more ambitious than I; he’s going to be the next president of the United States, and I couldn’t even get to week three of “Dancing with the Stars.”


But I don’t think our next president being a great leader is a good thing.


We need someone stupid enough to understand that the president of the United States can’t solve many problems without taking away freedom and therefore shouldn’t try. The only reason John McCain scares me a little less is because I think he’s a little less likely to win. They both promise a government that will watch over us, and I don’t like that.


The choice shouldn’t be which lesser of two evils should have the enormous power of our modern presidents. The question should be, who would do less as president? Who would leave us alone?

If we could find a lazier, less charismatic, stupider person than me to be president, I’d be all for it. But, it’s not going to be easy; stupider than me is rare breed.

So remember, the only way to waste your vote is to vote!

Best argument for McCain I've seen.

shit like this is why the rest of the world laughs their asses off at your political system, or the fact that its been a year of this shit and the election campaigns are just getting started NOW...

Too much bullshit, not enough actual politics/work/whatever... followed by years of briefcases of money being forgotten in yards. Which one? McCain isn't sure, he'll have to ask his wife.
Yeah, we know it's ridiculous. We'd be laughing right along with you if it didn't take every ounce of our strength to not vomit.

And god damn women for moving over to the McCain camp just for putting a woman on the ticket. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Usually, they base their vote on which candidate they'd rather have inside them and now they're doing it based on the fact that one candidate has a running mate with titties? Christ.
And god damn women for moving over to the McCain camp just for putting a woman on the ticket.
I think/believe/hope there are a few things skewing the polls towards McCain right now:

1. Women who aren't aware just how against reproductive rights the McCain/Palin ticket is. Once Obama starts driving that home and Hillary starts spreading the anti-Palin message, I suspect a lot of those women will come home.
2. Younger voters, who vote largely Democratic, aren't included in the polling. The younger generation rarely uses land lines (using cell & e-mail instead). The polling companies use only land lines for their polling.
3. The Democrats have registered 11 million more voters than Republicans this year. These voters are not included in the poll numbers at all.

All that said, it's becoming clearer by the day, Obama fucked up up when he didn't choose Hillary as VP. Love her or hate her, I suspect Obama would be enjoying a comfortable lead in the polls with Hillary at the bottom of the ticket. If he loses in November, it will be a decision that haunts him for the rest of his days.

All that said, it's becoming clearer by the day, Obama fucked up up when he didn't choose Hillary as VP. Love her or hate her, I suspect Obama would be enjoying a comfortable lead in the polls with Hillary at the bottom of the ticket. If he loses in November, it will be a decision that haunts him for the rest of his days.

Sadly I don't think that would have worked well at all, lots of voters, little success. Those two don't get along well imo. PLus Hilary comes accross as a bitch.

As to the troubles of women voting, I think that works both ways. Male voters will vote McCain because they want to be IN Palin.
All that said, it's becoming clearer by the day, Obama fucked up up when he didn't choose Hillary as VP. Love her or hate her, I suspect Obama would be enjoying a comfortable lead in the polls with Hillary at the bottom of the ticket.

and that's exactly why McCain waited until Obama made his pick and then he chose ... his woman ... because American's ARE fucking dumb. Someone please prove me wrong.

And god damn women for moving over to the McCain camp just for putting a woman on the ticket. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Usually, they base their vote on which candidate they'd rather have inside them and now they're doing it based on the fact that one candidate has a running mate with titties? Christ.

My wife once voted for a candidate because he "has a nice shirt".
..what a catch
not sure how many of you caught that Q&A last night from Columbia Univeristy ... both Obama and McCain were questioned separatelly in front of an audience ... and McCain actually sounded convincing and natural. I can honestly say though that he is the Kerry of this election as he is literally sounding more and more like Obama on the issues. Flip flop central.
The casual atmosphere made this very interesting ... both seemed to have their guard down.