Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

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  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Truth About Black Crime
By Sir Nigbeat

Bro, I'm not basing my statements on stupid fucking surveys lifted from leftist blogs, but real life tales from the tarred freighter. I work in a hospital setting, and have tabs on everything that goes down in E.R. Last week we had a group of negars who showed up with their Escalade riddled with bullet holes. Instead of proceeding to the E.R which is clearly visible, they proceeded to the South Tower entrance where they dropped their wounded comrade on the floor and begin belittling the elderly lady manning the desk, because they were "lost." 30 minutes pass and more apes show up to the scene blasting hip hop hymns in their pimped out Fannie Mae funded F-150's (alliteration for effect). Now these fucklets just escaped a party where their beloved baboonian was shot in the spine rendering him paralyzed, yet for them the party keeps on going. Bump that gangsta shit!

My point is, this is the typical fucking negar! The one's who do manage to hold down employment are holding down janitorial jobs where they spend their leisure time harassing R.N's and lab workers. We had a sexual harassment charge on one of the coons last week where he mumbled to a big titty wet nurse in Swahili, "Let me stick it in your ass with no vaseline." I'm not making any of this shit up here son, this is the way the world turns. On an African axis, swinging from hand out to hand out, until we're covered in 700 billion pounds of gnat droppings.

Negars need to be extradited in to the sea in chains!!!!
I refuse to vote for a party who wishes to inflate the bureaucracy and create more bullshit handout programs. Whether their nominee is black/white is of no importance to me.
The color of a man's skin is all the average black goes by in determining his allegiance. Whether it be a prize fighter, an actor, or a politician, their support lies with their own.

Fight fire with fire, or burn on the pyre of your own man made guilt.
Obama got his fucking ass kicked and anyone who denies that is a moron. McCain had the people, places, times, and knowledge of everything going on. He was right on with his rebuttals, he knew his facts, and he didn't resort to spin, but yet actual Obama policies spoken of even less than a month ago.

Although, I am glad McCain in this debate did convince Obama to change his Nuclear Energy policies. Obama won't admit it, but he did.

Also, for all you anti-warmongerer's out there... How do you feel about Obama's INITIAL (keyword, initial, not his changes after he thought about it) comments on Afghanistan and Pakistan?
Obama wants to rebuild the country's infrastructure, bring broadband to the rural U.S, boost education, develop alternative fuels, compete with the Chinese in a modern day space race, as well as fix this financial crisis. Holy fuck, this man really does have a lot of HOPE.

Though, I don't think we could afford the change. :erk:

Obama got his fucking ass kicked and anyone who denies that is a moron. McCain had the people, places, times, and knowledge of everything going on. He was right on with his rebuttals, he knew his facts, and he didn't resort to spin, but yet actual Obama policies spoken of even less than a month ago.

The old coot was very well versed in facts and history. I'm back on the McCain train, where substance comes before style. :kickass:
Obama got his fucking ass kicked and anyone who denies that is a moron. McCain had the people, places, times, and knowledge of everything going on. He was right on with his rebuttals, he knew his facts, and he didn't resort to spin, but yet actual Obama policies spoken of even less than a month ago.

Although, I am glad McCain in this debate did convince Obama to change his Nuclear Energy policies. Obama won't admit it, but he did.

Also, for all you anti-warmongerer's out there... How do you feel about Obama's INITIAL (keyword, initial, not his changes after he thought about it) comments on Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Thank you for that information.
Obama got his fucking ass kicked and anyone who denies that is a moron. McCain had the people, places, times, and knowledge of everything going on. He was right on with his rebuttals, he knew his facts, and he didn't resort to spin, but yet actual Obama policies spoken of even less than a month ago.

Although, I am glad McCain in this debate did convince Obama to change his Nuclear Energy policies. Obama won't admit it, but he did.

Also, for all you anti-warmongerer's out there... How do you feel about Obama's INITIAL (keyword, initial, not his changes after he thought about it) comments on Afghanistan and Pakistan?

This entire analysis is fucking laughable. McCain was a joke.
What debate were you watching Matt?!?!

Holy fuck Obama is absolutely clueless when it comes to foreign policy and the economy. Spend, Spend, Spend, it will never End!
So how is obama going to cut spending again? I need to be reminded of this, because tonight he did not name one single thing (not even fucking ethanol subsidies) that he was going to cut. On the other hand, he did agree with McCain 8+ times... maybe I shouldn't hate him as much as I do.
copying a post I made:

One more thing... what is Obama's opinion on world war 2? 6 years and 416,800 deaths in 6-7 years in just american terms. Nearly 2 times the death rate of allied soldiers than axis soldiers? And he keeps on insisting on bring up the "past failures" of Iraq? 4000 deaths seems pretty reasonable in terms of counter-insurgency compared to WW2. But I suppose we definitely needed to do that... And those years? Under Biden's favorite, FDR.

If Obama is going to talk the past, he might as well discuss it in terms of other past events.
While McCain knows his shit and is obviously well traveled and knowledgable about world issues, I felt he was too nostalgic and was talking too much about the past and his personal acomplishments ... all seemingly coming from 2-3 decades ago. I think American needs to look into the future.

What I did not like on a personal level is that he never a) looked into the camera to address the tv viewer/voter directly and b) never even turned or even galnced at Obama when delivering his rebutals. Made him seem weak as either he was focused on his paper or the moderator.