Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The reason florida is KEY is because if Obama wins it that puts him over 272 (at around 8pm EST). If Obama get's ohio, he's still under the 270 and McCain still has the chance to pick up the rest (or atleast most) of the swing states and win. If he loses florida, then he has to pick up 2 blue states to make up for that. Not impossible, but most likely not going to happen in this election.

Florida is lost, all is lost.
I'm hoping the right combo of swing states happens so we get a tie.

Can you imagine the amount of death threats that would be sent to Joe Lieberman if that were to occur? And it would rest solely on Lieberman's shoulders. :lol:
This morning has been all about the data and the amount of money spent on all these campaigns (topping a billion dollars), and I can't help but think of the irony of this situation. The voters donated their small increments of money to these campaigns, and the campaigns then went along and spent it... but where did the money end up after that? The already rich. How many middle class TV station owners do you know? Football stadium owners? Who owned these planes before the campaigns took them for their use? The clothing designers that make their suits?

Imagine all the money that could have done a lot of good that was spent on an add telling us that So and So is a poo-poo head... tis a shame really.
it really is, its another problem with the system over there. Its a big entertainment show.

They spend some money here, but there are no tv ads, no expensive TV spots. Interviews, debates and some town-hall events. thats about it. On all levels.
This morning has been all about the data and the amount of money spent on all these campaigns (topping a billion dollars), and I can't help but think of the irony of this situation. The voters donated their small increments of money to these campaigns, and the campaigns then went along and spent it... but where did the money end up after that? The already rich. How many middle class TV station owners do you know? Football stadium owners? Who owned these planes before the campaigns took them for their use? The clothing designers that make their suits?

Imagine all the money that could have done a lot of good that was spent on an add telling us that So and So is a poo-poo head... tis a shame really.

Well, hopyfully those designers, TV-station owners, Football station owners and airplane building companies employ some people (Janitors, seamstresses aka kids in uganda for two dollars a month, welders, cameramen and other regular peeps)
Well, hopyfully those designers, TV-station owners, Football station owners and airplane building companies employ some people (Janitors, seamstresses aka kids in uganda for two dollars a month, welders, cameramen and other regular peeps)

true, it is going to companies instead of private citizens, but there must be better uses for that much money

shit is a fucking circus, throwing fistfuls of cash at each other
true, it is going to companies instead of private citizens, but there must be better uses for that much money

shit is a fucking circus, throwing fistfuls of cash at each other

Absolutely, but moving money around in huge circles is pretty much what economy is all about... It's not a lot worse than, say, making a (bad) movie or something. And if it had all gone the way it should (the world's primary superpower atm ending up with a great and just ruler) it'd be money well spent!
The only people griping about the money issue is the right, because they finally went up against a candidate with more money. If anyone thinks that McCain would have passed on the money Obama had waiting out there for the asking, they're kidding themselves.

The only people griping about the money issue is the right, because they finally went up against a candidate with more money. If anyone thinks that McCain would have passed on the money Obama had waiting out there for the asking, they're kidding themselves.


certainly not. but it's an ever-escalating "arms race" of sorts and i'm sick of all the pageantry. but wtf it's an american presidential election, not like it's a recent development...i guess i find the whole spectacle distasteful
again, not saying that a campaign should refuse donations. that's not a winning strategy. the fact, however, that promoting a candidacy requires such intense amounts of money ensures that we stay locked in a two-party system, something the founding fathers intended to avoid (then subsequently turned around and played into--go figure). they're not just one-upping each other, they're effectively removing third-party candidates from the discussion altogether. boo.
Personally, I'd prefer a system that awarded the candidates a reasonable amount of money with which to run a campaign. They would be allowed to accept zero donations, from private citizens or interested 3rd parties. T.V. and radio advertisements would be forbidden. People who don't care enough to understand both candidate's positions, who base their votes solely on the information gotten from attack ads, shouldn't be allowed to vote any way.

So, while the Barack side has the sympathy boost from his grandmothers excellently timed death the McCain side has nothing to put out other than Palin being cleared in "troopergate".

So... 2012.
Dude... I was just about to post that. (refreshing drudge also?)

Instead, I'll post Obama being as smug as ever:

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There's been a direct correlation between the increasing amount of desperation coming from the Right and the number of hours left before the election. I see this as just another indication of Obama's success.

Eric, can you comprehend your own ridiculousness? To you everything is a mark against Obama, blowing even a face scratch out of proportion. Maybe you would take offense if I pointed at something with my middle finger, a sign of my liberal smugness. :lol:

Ridiculousness? A face scratch? This is the second "face scratch" in reference to an opponent after making a sarcastically toned remark this year.

Don't remember the first?

And we were getting on Bush's ass for calling someone an asshole off stage... this man is using a gesture that would normally scream contreversay no matter the context (in the Hillary case, he tried to play it off as a sort of joke)

There is no desperation in me... I know the messiah has won. I said that weeks ago in this very thread.

I can't wait for 2012 or 2016 when we can hopefully get a reasonable democrat in office... because this last crop has been pathetic. The type of people who make your realize why bush won 2 times in a row.
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This thread stopped being interesting about 40 pages ago. Since then, it's been Jerry's racism and EricT's.....je ne sais pas... over and over again