Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
New Hampshire’s First Votes Are In
By Jeff Zeleny

LEBANON, N.H. — The polls are open in New Hampshire, or at least those in the tiny northern hamlet of Dixville Notch, where the voting traditionally commences after the stroke of midnight.
Will it be a sign of things to come later today? We’ll know tonight. Until then, here are the results:

Senator Barack Obama 7
John Edwards - 2
Gov. Bill Richardson - 1
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - 0

Senator John McCain - 4
Mitt Romney - 2
Rudolph Giuliani - 1
Fred Thompson - 0
Ron Paul - 0
I'll be surprised if Edwards out places Hillary again... though I'm hopeful. I wouldn't be surprised if Edwards begins to position himself for the role of VP following a loss in the S.C. primary. Obama/Edwards is a ticket I'd be pleased with.

I was listening to a podcast, and they said Ron Paul didn't believe in evolution.

"For the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter"

He also states that evolution is just a theory and doesn't believe it.

What a fucking idiot!
Ron Paul was on Leno last night ...
wtf is wrong with those of you into this guy for President?
what comedian had this joke where he wanted to reelect Reagan ... dead and all ... just prop him up.

nobody will fuck with us then ... electing a dead president and all.
I think Hilary will win. Why?

Because some twisted fuck in the corporate war room, thinks that it would be really fun 7 years from now when they put their final plans into action, to make everyone say "Sieg Hill"
Exactly. Its a fucking theory. You fucking idiot!

We need another Andrew Jackson.

Jesus Christ. It is a scientific theory, but not a theory that we use in common language. He's obviously using theory in the common language because he said, "just a theory", and this implies that it doesn't necessarily explain everything.

Evolution is a fact and a theory. Evolution did happen, and we have load and loads of evidence to show it did. The evolutionary theory show the mechanism that it could have possibly have taken, natural selection. That's why Ron Paul is a fucking idiot.

The most interesting thing I found in the article was how effectively it did articulate some of my issues with corporate America and how uncertain economic stability is right now. I had a long discussion with my mom about economic trends (she was born in 1937, during the end of the Depression) and in her honest estimation, while we appear to live well, we're in a dire situation, worse than it's been since World War 2 in some ways.

I'm not sure any of our candidates will be big enough movers and shakers to direct us forward, I think our problems are far more entwined into our entire cultural paradigm. That said, maybe enough of us are motivated to alter our direction a bit.

The most interesting thing I found in the article was how effectively it did articulate some of my issues with corporate America and how uncertain economic stability is right now.

The "Millennials" hardly have a lock on concern about economic stability. 40-somethings are concerned about losing their jobs too, and a lot of them are way more in debt than 20-somethings.

Then again, I'm just massively skeptical of anyone who uses the completely nebulous, artificial, and useless concept of "generations" to discuss anything.

But yeah, a change in president won't really lead to any massive changes in cultural direction. The main thing that I think young people are eventually going to have to do to keep the US from being completely destroyed is say to all the old people: "When you're 70 and get cancer, have the dignity to just die. Because I'm not going to be bankrolling your wish to undergo expensive treatments so that you can struggle on for an extra six months in pain and misery".

But then it seems one of the main things they want is universal health care? Who the heck do they think is going to end up paying for all the baby-boomers who want to be immortal? It'll be them!

None of those canidates are impressing me.

To me it doesn't matter what any of those canidates propose cause you still have to have congress approve it.