Whos goin to see yngwie?

jo jo

New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2005
i am at the ever so great galaxy theater. I just saw Stratovarius there about a week ago with into eternity and man that show was friggen great i thought it was better than gigantour. The olny reason i was disapointed with Gigantour is that they put Symphony X on second stage i don't see why the hell that happened.
I saw Yngwie for some time ago in Denmark. I saw him actually the 8th of june. It was fucking awsome. I got a chat with the band, but not yngwie he went straight into his bus. But I got a signed poster with all the autographs.

I'm only have this advice. GO OUT AND CHECK HIM OUT. YNGWIE ROXXXX!!!!
I was goonna see Meshuggah with a buch of othea bands, but I don' t reallly like the other bands so it's now Yngwie at the avalon for me!@ vSorrty bout' the shiotyy typing.fierst timeI've bee nfuck up in over 10 days and stoked on seeinng Yngweir fucking malmsteen!
A review from someone who saw them in Sacramento:

So I saw Yngwie last night, and I dread saying this, but it was a little disappointing. First of all, the whole stage was backwalled with Marshall full-stacks. Keep in mind this is a small bar. I'm guessing there were 16 cabs on that stage and about 8 different heads running together, it was WAYYYY too fucking loud. I seriously have never been to a show this loud. Not in a good way, either. In fact it was so loud that you couldn't hear the drums, keyboards, or vocals for shit about 75% of the set. Moving on, I was very let down by his performance of the songs. Over half the material was all improvised, off time, and just messy!! No rhythm, no flow, and not the way the songs are on the record. Why does he change them and flubber them like that? It was basically just watching him improve over all his songs and his drummer and keyboardist falling off time constantly. This especially bothered me when he played Far Beyond the Sun. Rather, it was 3 minutes of the basic structure of the song and him wanking to hell and back as if he's forgotten all the melodies and licks that made this song what it was. Even someone who's never heard these songs would scratch their heads and say ''uhm, something seems off and strange about this''. Then one of the more entertaining features of the night, they were running so much smoke from the smoke machines the detector went off in the club. Yngwie looks at his roadie, makes a terrified facial expression like its the end of the world, runs off backstage like the Indians are trying to harpoon him. The rest of the band just laughs and continues playing trying to not make a scene about it. The audience and the rest of the band all realize its just the smoke thats making the detectors go off, but whatever. Yngwie decides to pound a few more redbulls and get on about 15 minutes later (considering he took about 2 hours to start playing after the opening band, my legs were already stiff as rocks). One thing that seemed weird to me, is the guy couldn't have prepared and paid anymore people to set his shit up and get everything as smooth as possible and throughout the whole set he must've went through a cycle of 20 guitars, and everytime he'd change them for almost no definite reason he'd let it feedback for like a minute straight while he was bitchin at his roadie or whatever. Then bitching about his acoustic setup stopping along the way while he's performing, before and between the performance. Wtf? Most of the time it almost seemed like he didn't care what he was playing and just noodled off with anything in key just to assess a new problem with his band or the sound or someshit. I just think if you're going to take 10 hours to setup and keep yer fans waiting, not bother to shake any of their hands leaving the stage, and furthermore.. play all of your songs completely different and horrificly, at least run a smoother and more professional show! Christ sakes. So anyways, yeah I'm just a little troubled after this. Just didn't seem like the guy I've idolized since my early teens and I expected just a little.. err, a lot more. That is all!!!

Has anyone else seen the show? It kind of makes me think twice about wanting to go to it now.

btw I don't think OfSinsAndShred spoke too soon, I'm just reporting what a friend told me and asking if anyone concurs. I'd love to see this concert. Ten posts and going strong!
well i just saw him on saturday nov 11 and it was friggen great!!!!!! i was front row right where yngwie was most of the time and i could of poked him right in the face but that would have screwed him up so i just touched the headstock of his guitar and that was freakin awsome!!! lots of people were touching his thighs and that grossed me out when dudes did it. I freakin got pushed out of the way though by miss cheesey smelling 45 year old big boobed bitch rubbing up against me but its all good i just moved a row back and then i had the turn to crush every body who crushed me he he he. it was cool when he first came out because the fog machine was right in my face and ya if you know that feeling its cool but it wasn't cool when everybody was pulling my long ass hair but i guess thats what ya get for having long hair. and dont even get me started on the crapy band that was there called prowler now that band was friggen horible the lead guitarist who couldn't lead worth crap was like 60 years old with a stiff ass mullet with gallons of hairspray or somthin in it ya im talking too much so uh ya hope ya had fun reading it!!!!:Spin:
Me and a friend saw Yngwie on the Attack tour. It was cool for a little while but then just got really old and quite boring. About the 3rd or 4th acustic section we were just like "oh man, not again" and left. PLus the fact that we had to sit through almost 2 hours of opening bands that no one cared about.
LichofHell said:
Me and a friend saw Yngwie on the Attack tour. It was cool for a little while but then just got really old and quite boring. About the 3rd or 4th acustic section we were just like "oh man, not again" and left. PLus the fact that we had to sit through almost 2 hours of opening bands that no one cared about.

ya kind of the same gig here he did do a little too much acoustic guitar solos and it kinda seems like he doesnt even care anymore hes just up there bustin out while hes drinking his red bull and for some weird reason i guess he had cough drops to the side and i didnt see him take any and he he he his guitar tech looks mass funny. but its yngwie and i had too see him because hes the one who got me into so much of the music i am into now. :Spin: