Who's more manly? Me or bRaT's hubby?

Who's more of a MAN?

  • ThraxDude

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • bRaT's husband

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
MichiMikey said:
We've got some awesome Mexi-food here around Detroit. Down by the bridge to Windsor is "Mexican Town" and just about every restaurant is tasty!!! Homemeade tortillas and everything!!

Now, we've also got the biggest arab poulation outside of the middle east, but I can't eat that shit, or even smell it for that matter.
Well, I'm so close to Mexico, I might as well be in Mexico. A lot of it is quite tasty, but oh the heartburn!!

I can't do the Middle Eastern thing, either.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I can't do the Middle Eastern thing....QUOTE]

Know what Mistress Brat? It isn't even a Middle Eastern thing. There is a large Population of Eastern Indians in Canton, MI and its a LOT of curry. We were looking for a house over there and it's all you can smell.

The Arabs, on the other hand...and sorry if I come off as offensive or bigoted, but how they eat, and smell, and how what they eat smells is beyond explaining in mere words. After I split with the first Mrs Michimikey I had a house in Detroit and lived next these old country Arabs who would cook shit that the odor would gag me, with her windows up, and my windows closed, in the winter. I won't even touch on persnal hygiene since it's the holidays.
I hear you on all counts.

Curry is disgusting. My friend's aunt used to put it in everything. I always made sure I ate before we headed over there.

Hygiene is another issue all together. Let me just say that there should be a law.....
Now, wait a minute. I cxhanged 4 poopy diapers yesterday and countless poopy diapers over the last 2 years. Does that make me like SuperMan or something?? :headbang:

My wife hates cury. I don't mind it. As far as Arabic-type foods. I love hummus. Absolutely crave the shit(that's what it looks like) and i like babba ganouch or whatever it's called. My spelling on that is bad. I also like this meat thing my buddy makes. It's like ground beef, tomato, onion, and some weird seasoning. My buddy's lebanese. He's a hairy little bastard but he's pretty damned clean. Actually, all the Lebanese people I know are very clean and dress very nice--10 times nicer than I would ever bother. :D
Now, wait a minute. I cxhanged 4 poopy diapers yesterday and countless poopy diapers over the last 2 years. Does that make me like SuperMan or something?? :headbang:
I don't know if it makes you SuperMan, but it does make you more manly than my husband. He won't even wipe my son's butt after he goes potty. His mother has changed more of our kids' poopy diapers than he has. (My mother has never changed one, because I never "asked her to", as if I have to now give out invitations.)
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I don't know if it makes you SuperMan, but it does make you more manly than my husband. He won't even wipe my son's butt after he goes potty. His mother has changed more of our kids' poopy diapers than he has. (My mother has never changed one, because I never "asked her to", as if I have to now give out invitations.)
Yeah, Maybe you could carry a card that says"I invite you to come and wipe my daughter's ass after she takes a nasty dump in her diaper" You could give the cards out as gifts.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
We don't allow Barney (or Teletubbies) in the house, because I can't handle him 45 times in a row. :lol: Rolie Polie Olie should do the trick, though! :lol:
They show Rolie Polie Olie a million times a day. My son likes spongebob squarepants now, but some of the episodes aren't good for young kids.

He got hooked on another cartoon I like--The Fairly OddParents. I think it's kind of a cool show!! Also on Nickelodeon.
My kid's favorite is Spongebob. I agree that some episodes aren't good for kids, but at the same time, he'll learn a lot worse from his father, so I let Spongebob slide. Fairly Oddparents is pretty cool, we have it on here when it's on after Spongebob. He hasn't really caught on that much, but I find myself watching it.

Olie, on the other hand, I can't stand. I turn on Nick Jr when Olie's on. I find that every time Joey sees Spot, he crawls around licking the floor. Now, it was funny when Cartman did it, but it's annoying when my own son does it. And both of the kids start panting, too. I really hate Spot now.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
My kid's favorite is Spongebob. I agree that some episodes aren't good for kids, but at the same time, he'll learn a lot worse from his father, so I let Spongebob slide. Fairly Oddparents is pretty cool, we have it on here when it's on after Spongebob. He hasn't really caught on that much, but I find myself watching it.

Olie, on the other hand, I can't stand. I turn on Nick Jr when Olie's on. I find that every time Joey sees Spot, he crawls around licking the floor. Now, it was funny when Cartman did it, but it's annoying when my own son does it. And both of the kids start panting, too. I really hate Spot now.
My son's only 2. I guess i think he'd be better off being a little bit older--like 4 or 5 for some of the things they say in Spongebob. We were watching a bubble episode where they use stupid and ugly and stuff like that a lot. He's picking up so many words right now, I hate for those to be in his earliest 300 words. Of course, Dammit is officially one of them. He uses it right too. When he's not getting his way or not finding what he wants he goes damnit!!

I have to control myself from cracking up. But it's awful. :lol:

The Cartman thing was hilarious. That's a classic episode.

Cosmo and Wanda Rule!!
Joe's also 2. He'll be 3 in April. He doesn't pick up words from TV much (he does pick up on dancing, jumping, etc.). At least not the ones you're talking about. His latest favorite word is "MINE!!!" As for where he gets stuff, he'll pick up worse from his dad (who doesn't watch his mouth like I do), and his cousins, who are spoiled brats 90% (or more) of the time.

And be glad your son hasn't picked up "Shit!" and used it properly. He's cut back a lot after all the trouble he's gotten into over it, but he knows exactly how to use it, like if he drops something or something won't work right for him. I'm waiting for my mother-in-law to start bitching about it like she did over my nephew doing it.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Joe's also 2. He'll be 3 in April. He doesn't pick up words from TV much (he does pick up on dancing, jumping, etc.). At least not the ones you're talking about. His latest favorite word is "MINE!!!" As for where he gets stuff, he'll pick up worse from his dad (who doesn't watch his mouth like I do), and his cousins, who are spoiled brats 90% (or more) of the time.

And be glad your son hasn't picked up "Shit!" and used it properly. He's cut back a lot after all the trouble he's gotten into over it, but he knows exactly how to use it, like if he drops something or something won't work right for him. I'm waiting for my mother-in-law to start bitching about it like she did over my nephew doing it.
That's funny!! No SHIT yet for us. I watch my mouth and so does my wife, but we have both let that "damnit" one slip. I know he picks stuff off of TV cause I didn't even know the kid's name on Oddparents and ryan asks me to watch timmy one day. I'm like what the hell r u talking about?? Then it hit me. The next day he made it "timmy turner" in childspeak so he picked up on the last name too. Dancing, jumping, and licking the carpet. :lol:
I try to watch my mouth a lot more now since that started. I got spoiled because he wasn't talking as much as he should have been up until about 3 months ago. Now he never shuts up.

Last summer during a storm, the lights went out while I had both kids in the bathtub, and I said "SHIT!" Then I hear "Shit! Shit! Shit" Luckily it was still dark so he didn't see me trying not to laugh. Then I had to sit there and not let them move while my husband brought in candles so I could finish washing them. And wouldn't you know, as soon as they were out and wrapped in towels, the damn lights came on???

He used to say shit it a lot, but now I guess it's reserved for when he really means it.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I try to watch my mouth a lot more now since that started. I got spoiled because he wasn't talking as much as he should have been up until about 3 months ago. Now he never shuts up.

Last summer during a storm, the lights went out while I had both kids in the bathtub, and I said "SHIT!" Then I hear "Shit! Shit! Shit" Luckily it was still dark so he didn't see me trying not to laugh. Then I had to sit there and not let them move while my husband brought in candles so I could finish washing them. And wouldn't you know, as soon as they were out and wrapped in towels, the damn lights came on???

He used to say shit it a lot, but now I guess it's reserved for when he really means it.
That is so f'ing funny. My son started practicing damnit right away. He starts going dammot, dammot, dammot with a weird little accent. He stresses the wrong syllable. It sounds hilarious!!!

I have a major potty-mouth!! I have to watch it all the time. But, i have to watch at work too. I am a manager so I can't run around the office saying "Holy fucking shit did you see that fucking pass the other day?"

Fortunately, we're not real corporate and we're relatively small(to mid-sized) so nobody is super-anal here. i find there are others who can swear much more than me and don't hide it as well.
I used to have a major potty mouth but I've toned it down quite a bit. It was nice not having everything I say be repeated back to me, but I guess I can kiss that goodbye for a few years. I do say "Dammit" a lot, mostly because I figure it's better than "Shit". :lol:

Another new thing of his is if he's made a giant mess in his room or the living room, as soon as I walk in he goes, "Oh, big mess" like he actually cares about a mess being there.